Used this homebrew deck exclusively to climb from diamond 5 to legend with 72% winrate.
The deck is midrange-y and more proactive than tipical Guardian Animals clown druid and thus better positioned in the current meta in my opinion.
Ramp up to 8 mana ASAP to combat the board with Guardian Animals and incredibly strong Deviate Dreadfang. Playing Ironbark on Moonfang or Deviate Dreadfang is often gg for majority of current meta opponents.
Naralex, Samuro and Gydra can all offer some comeback potential but are replaceable. Use Thorngrowth Sentries instead: serve for early game, as nature spell for Guff, Anacondra or Deviate, good with Arbor Up. Guff felt great, especially buffing Moonfang or viper tokens.