A bit of a different take on Control Warrior! No Grommash Hellscream?! I don’t recall seeing a Control Warrior list without him in a long time. There’s also a rare Gorehowl inclusion, along with Elise Starseeker for that Golden Monkey value!
Forsen’s Season 21 Control Warrior
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 2Armorsmith2
- 2Bash2
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Revenge1
- 2Shield Block2
- 4Death’s Bite2
- 5Brawl2
- 5Shieldmaiden2
- 7Gorehowl1
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i’ve removed one shield block and a shield maiden for one frothing and gromm, i dont have barron geddon so i’ve included a second revenge. works fine but i’ve seen the monkey god play in my favor once so far, he likes the bottom of my deck qq still.. 9-1 after i’ve made my changes, not enough closing power without the midgame whittle of frothing and the closing power of gromm and gorehowl with 4-6 atk.
for the gameplan itself its a control deck but due to the high draw and the amount of weapons a facehit with a weapon is not out of question and a trigger of the deathrattle from deaths bite by replacing it has also come in handy (ecspecially against those darn palis)
mulligan for weapons and acolyte. i like to keep bash depending on my opponents class. one attack minions agains palis are fine too.
Why is Barron important to this deck?
Best deck ever made !!! Kappa
Pretty sure it’s a Fatigue Warrior even with the double Acolytes… You draw your whole deck into drawing the monkey and get rid of all the remaining trash cards to get value out of monkey. This has nothing to do with classic CW.
how can you play a sooooooo boring deck. I played 2 games, 2 wins. But i ll never play it again. 0 pleasure 0 thinking 0 challenge.
Terrible Deck but still a Dad deck.
im surprise Starseeker’s getting so much play….
You understand the card right? You aren’t just jamming the monkey as soon as you draw it. It’s a 3/5 body for 4 that shuffles 2 cards into your deck. Which helps if the game goes into fatigue.
Not really 2 cards considering one has a draw…
The Kel’Thuzad – Target Dummy combo is much easier ! Althought feels like cheat it works

Been having trouble winning with this deck for an hour and won with Kel – Dummy combo on the first try!
Where’s the decklist for that one?