Mech Hunter was experimented with in the early days of Goblins vs. Gnomes. The deck actually wasn’t that bad. The problem was that all the other variants of Hunter were just better! Metaltooth Leaper is actually a pretty strong card, and if you can get a few mechs on the board it becomes very difficult for your opponent to deal with. Fel Reaver seems to being added to most aggro decks currently, with Dr. Boom and Ragnaros the Firelord rounding up your finishers.
Dont waste your dust on Fel Reaver. Lost me more games than it won. Free advice given freely.
I totally disagree, it’s a really good card.
Every time my opponent has played a Fel’Reaver against me I have completely emptied their deck. Every single time, nomatter if I was winning on the board or not I always freeze or bgh or waste some cards then hard remove it…
impossible to beat freeze mage with this deck
Actually very small amount of decks can possibly beat freeze mage.
Replace for mad scientist?
Animal Companion or Knife Juggler, any strong low cost minion would work. Mad Scientist is really good though.
Also loatheb
Could ragnaros be replaced by King Crush , same stats with rag , the plus is u can control the dmg
I think that could work, one of the benefits of Ragnaros is that it can bypass taunt.
not working vs freeze mage
Savannah Highmane at the top end if you’re missing Doc and Rags?
Yeah, that could work.
I would definitely run Sky Golem if I had them. I have Highmanes but not 800 dust.
Do you have any replacement for rag?
Piloted Sky Golem.
Replacement for ragnaros?
I would go with Piloted Sky Golem.
Really strong deck which is also fun to play.I replaced both Fel Reavers with Clockwork Knights and it’s working fine.
Replacement for 2 fel reavers?
Clockwork Knight.
can this deck reach legend?
I would say it probably could, but I would go with something more proven like Hybrid or Midrange Hunter.
Of course the deck can reach legend. Any deck with a half decent shell can. This deck simply combines elements of your standard Hunter deck with elements of your standard Mech deck. The real question is whether or not the player can reach legend. There’s no easy way to do it, and copying a good decklist won’t propel you there overnight.
This deck is pretty good, better than face hunter i have like 90% win rate with over 20games on ladder