Check out our full list of day three Journey to Un’Goro Deck Lists!
Check out our full list of day three Journey to Un’Goro Deck Lists!
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Really like the deck. But does it a lot of the times I have a hand full of spells and no taunts?
Am I trying to force finishing the quest to much? does it matter what turn I finish it in?
I have a pretty decent record (8-3) so far but seems awkward at times.
Are two brawls really that necessary? I feel like one is sufficient…
Why whirlwind? And when to play Dirty Rat?
“Whirlwind” combos with “sleep with the fishes” for a solid board clear
Great deck. 11-4 and im now at rank 5 on EU. Lots of mirrors and it totally crushes pirates.
Even got a friend request from a oiratewarrior who flamed me in russian and in english. Love IT!
Can i replace Deathwing with Mosh? … i feel like he gets more value with the Primordial and whirlwind
I use mosh instead of deathwing. Added a second whirlwind for shield slam. Works nice. Very nice vs quest roque. You can clear their board and keep your cards.
Shield block switch for tar creeper
i use alextraza .. very good
In what situations do you use Deathwing?
After Sulfuras and when they have a large board. Resets board and then you try and grind out with hero power. However, it is not an auto-include in most decks.
I have all the cards needed in the deck except Drake. Do you think Alexstraza could fit in this deck?
I don’t think Alexstraza would help in any of the primary ladder matchups at all. Prime Drake is good not only for the Curator value being completed, but it also combos with Sleep with the Fishes to clear Quest Rogue’s(most relevent deck) board turn 10.
My best suggestion would be just making sure to have Deathwing if not crafting Prime Drake(if you subbed deathwing). Or honestly Faerie Dragon isn’t so bad since it’d be the best 2 drop on a blank board for some matchups (Rogue, Miracle Priest mostly). If not that you can have some individually by running a single Stubborn Gastropod, IK a Guy, Ornery Direhorn, Harrison, Faceless, or even Auctionmaster Beardo.
I think Oliech’s decklist is better (top 4 eu).
Honestly best warrior quest deck. Thumbs up Fibonacci
No Grommash??
Your hero power IS Grommash
if i dont have any dust left and no deathwing, is alexstrasza or ysera okay then?
1 more drake
but which one shpuld i add?
but i had no dust left..
I like Alexstrasza a lot this expansion. Hard counter for the priest quest.
Check out a comment I left for ‘Hunter Rogers’ above. Basically though I think theres a lot of room for individuality in the Deathwing slot, whatever card you think for if you are struggling in a matchup, got a sweet gold version you want to show off, or really like. Something like Harrison, Beardo, Faceless, Genesis, Tinkmaster, Elise, Mosh.
He went 11-9 vs Pirate Warrior with this deck? I’m 1-14 atm, what’s your secret
Bro, what? Pirate is the easiest for me with dirty rat and all the taunts. How are you loosing so much?
Don’t keep quest in mulligan i guess.
I always keep it because you can’t know what deck the opponent plays (maybe in high legend). Just hard mulligan for dirty rat and ghoul.
Isn’t Ornery Direhorn good? I’m not sure if it’s better than Direhorn Hatchling or not.
Don’t think so: you may need the extra taunt for the quest. It makes a difference.
Also, Direhorn Hatchling (and his token) can be taken by Curator
dont have the DeathWing anything i can replace it with?
Second Primordial Drake
I dont have deathwing, but my free ungoro packs came with KING MOSH, so i use, and include Brawl
I also subbed deathwing with Mosh, I think it works better since mosh is a beast, so when i use curator i usually pull mosh and primordial right off the rip. As in the alternative you would only draw primordial or deathwing, and the direhorn hatchling. With this variation it works. especially if you use primordial first summon, then next round play Mosh to clean up what left. Its a nice one-two punch without having to substitute discarding your whole hand for Deathwing. The other downside to deathwing afterwards is fatigue. Because if your opponent has one spell that can wipe him off next turn, your in for a bit of hurting, and you can only play deathwing after you’ve got the Sulfuras. If you do it before pray they don’t have nothing to take him out, cause then your praying to draw the right cards.
i dont have the curator anything i can replace it with?
No, if you don’t have Curator don’t play this deck. It doesn’t seem like it but this deck revolves around Curator.
shame i always loved fibonachi decks ..
anyway thx for the answer
You can try Wraithion if you have that. draws 1 maybe 2 if your really lucky
wrathion isn t even good in dragondecks, not even talking about only having 2 drakes. the best replacement is propably a situational card, depending on the meta. 2nd primordial if you need boardclear, a smaller tauntminion if you need to be faster and a gorehowl when the meta shifts more towards controle
might aswell name it, complete quest in 2018
Technically there are fourteen taunts in the deck with the Stonehills and the Direhorn.