Deck has been updated for August 2016.
+2 Blood To Ichor, +1 Acolyte of Pain, +1 Baron Geddon, +1 Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, -1 Loot Hoarder, -1 Tinkmaster Overspark, -1 Brawl, -1 Harrison Jones, -1 Gorehowl
Deck has been updated for August 2016.
+2 Blood To Ichor, +1 Acolyte of Pain, +1 Baron Geddon, +1 Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, -1 Loot Hoarder, -1 Tinkmaster Overspark, -1 Brawl, -1 Harrison Jones, -1 Gorehowl
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This decks seems inconsistent.
im going 1-8 soo bad. Can you add some tips for deck? Murloc-Nzoth and dragon warriors easly crush me…
Rank ?
Brute force deck instant concede.
Gonna craft this.
Good job Fibonacci
Very good deck, I’m having 12 wins in a row and no looses so far. (rank 20 -> 15)
i subbed a tauren for chilmaw, tauren can feel a bit weak. deck working nicely though. currently 9-3
excellent deck, I’ve been playing tinkmeister in control warrior since C’Thun arrived.
I played this deck yesterday, 38 games with 32-6 from rank 5 to rank 1.
Very strong against Dragon Tempo, I played 14 and lost 2.
what’s the point of tinkmaster?
It’s a great answer for C’thun specifically, but it works great against big Deathrattle minions (Highmane, Tirion, Sylvanas, etc.) and general big threats (Ancient of War, Earth Ele, etc). It’s the kind of tech that only works when you’re facing a lot of the aforementioned stuff and probably the first thing you’d remove if you see a lot of Zoo or Shaman.
1. transfrom Cthun to prevent Cthun warriors from doomcalling his Cthun
2. debuff deathrattle minions or just big minions – sylvanas, savanah highmane, cairne bloodhoff, tirion.
3. transform your own acolyte in mirror CW match
It’s been said to be a good counter to your opponents powerful minions if they just have the one minion on the board and you play Tinkmaster Overspark. For example, if your opponent plays Ragnaros and has nothing else on the board. If your board is empty, you play Tinkmaster and essential silence your opponent’s Ragnaros.
It can transform a sylvanas, tyrion, c’thun into a 1/1 or 5/5 (considering an empty board).
I am using it in my control deck and it works. Most of the times it gets a 1/1 ð
I don’t know for sure but when I used it in Paladin it was to answer a C’Thun. In a Warrior mirror, you can play 3 C”Thun’s as C’Thun Warrior.
replace for tinkermaster?
Perhaps a Big Game Hunter, but that will not counter deathrattle minions in N’Zoth decks, tirion fordring, anub-arak etc.
Ironbeak Owl ð