is scourgelord a neccesity? could you possibly swap out for quest? is skulking geist neccessary if you arent playing many jade druids? does cairne have any place in the deck? Lot of questions thanks!
Scourgelord is too good to be out from the deck the weapon AoE removal an sleep with the fishes activator makes your deck way more vesatile, on the other hand skulling is a tech card that can be replaced by aother (crabs for example).
If your desire is to play the Quest the deck has to be completly rebuild. Finishing, cairne can be used due to it’s high value but you will be reducing your chances against aggro.
To sum up, I’ll add cairne if i haven’t got the dark knight (there are better replacements but it looks like you wanna fit that particular legendary in the deck), Skulling is a tech card, one like many others. Quest just simply not fit.
Highest rank: 2 there will be people who can asses you better than me
Firefly was the answer for the early game every control warrior fan was looking for ever since justicar trueheart waved goodbye… How on earth did we all miss that?
This deck depends on Acolyte and Battle rage so having 2 more early game minions from one card to cycle with Battle rage is actually it’s role here , This deck cant lose having +7 cards in hand
Constantly trade vs their minions if you can. Tempo Rogue doesn’t use card draw so if you can compete for the board with them, they will run out of resources eventually.
Early Whirlwind + Sleep combo can clear a lot of their early game minions. Hopefully you can get a Bloodrazor on curve. Execute vs their bigger minions late game is great. The Direhore taunts on curve can be great. Early MountainFire Armor’s can help you contest their early game minions as well.
Guess I was unlucky every time I was matched up with them – their turn 1 or two consisted of prince into shadow step into prince once again + bad card draws.
is scourgelord a neccesity? could you possibly swap out for quest? is skulking geist neccessary if you arent playing many jade druids? does cairne have any place in the deck? Lot of questions
Scourgelord is too good to be out from the deck the weapon AoE removal an sleep with the fishes activator makes your deck way more vesatile, on the other hand skulling is a tech card that can be replaced by aother (crabs for example).
If your desire is to play the Quest the deck has to be completly rebuild. Finishing, cairne can be used due to it’s high value but you will be reducing your chances against aggro.
To sum up, I’ll add cairne if i haven’t got the dark knight (there are better replacements but it looks like you wanna fit that particular legendary in the deck), Skulling is a tech card, one like many others. Quest just simply not fit.
Highest rank: 2 there will be people who can asses you better than me
Firefly was the answer for the early game every control warrior fan was looking for ever since justicar trueheart waved goodbye… How on earth did we all miss that?
Wouldn’t the Mistress of Mixtures have more synergy in this slot?
This deck depends on Acolyte and Battle rage so having 2 more early game minions from one card to cycle with Battle rage is actually it’s role here , This deck cant lose having +7 cards in hand
how about highlander priest, ive problem with them more
git gud and dirty rat their raza
How do you play vs Tempo Rogue?
Constantly trade vs their minions if you can. Tempo Rogue doesn’t use card draw so if you can compete for the board with them, they will run out of resources eventually.
Early Whirlwind + Sleep combo can clear a lot of their early game minions. Hopefully you can get a Bloodrazor on curve. Execute vs their bigger minions late game is great. The Direhore taunts on curve can be great. Early MountainFire Armor’s can help you contest their early game minions as well.
Guess I was unlucky every time I was matched up with them – their turn 1 or two consisted of prince into shadow step into prince once again + bad card draws.