Fibonacci advanced to the NA Hearthstone Winter Championship with these decks!
- Fibonacci’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Malygos Freeze Mage
- Fibonacci’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Midrange Druid
- Fibonacci’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Control Warrior
- Fibonacci’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Demon Handlock
Check out more decks from the event: Hearthstone NA Winter Prelim Deck Lists
How does one play doomsayer in this deck? In what situation should this card be played during a match?
For example: you have 5 mana, you have a justicar truehart in hand, you are playing against a zoo player who has a voidwalker and a couple of 1/1s on board: you play doomsayer.
The idea is you play doomsayer when you have a really good card to play next turn, and you could use it to clean up a board that you otherwise cannot take care of.
in my control warrior i run fierce monkeys, so i often have one of them out, play doomsayer to wipe the enemy board, then follow with a belcher, justicar, boom, etc.
What cards would you be looking for with the Jewelled Scarab.
Bash, Shield Slam, Fierce Monkey, or something that fits the situation.
You mean shield block.
Yep, this is correct.
I actually have gotten bouncing blade quite a bit and use it as a single target removal when it is the only minion on board, such as against a control warrior who drops grom, or paladin with mysterious challeneger
Replacement for doomsayer?
Unstable Ghoul kind of fits an early game clear, but there isn’t really a good replacement that isn’t already in the deck.
Replacement for Deathwing?
Baron Geddon or Alexstrasza.