Fibonacci’s Legend Control Warrior (March 2017, Season 36)
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 1Slam1
- 2Bash2
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Revenge2
- 2Shield Block2
- 2Sleep with the Fishes1
- 3Ravaging Ghoul2
- 4Bloodhoof Brave2
- 5Alley Armorsmith2
- 5Brawl1
- 7Gorehowl1
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
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this deck destroys miracle rogue! I love it
Why Burgly bully? Seems like it doesnt suit in warrior decks at all.
This deck doesn’t work for me….
Fibonacci has been playing CW for really long time. In this meta the archetype may be frustrating – long games, very hard matchups against Jade decks, you have to learn how to mulligan and have some luck with draws. It’s more like a fun deck for me atm, definitely not a grinding one.
Hi guys I don’t have Gore Howl (only card I’m missing) can anyone recommend a replacement? I do have other weapons or should I run a minion?
Also I notice a question on why there’s no Rat? Can anyone advise I like the Rat combo potential I assume it’s because Brawl is exclusively to be used with Sly late game to beat a Jade deck?
Even after the decrease of Aggro decks after the nerfs, Fibonacci can still come up with a Control Warrior decklist to play to Legend. That is pretty awesome.
Why Burgly ?
He plays Burgly to make it possible to play Brawl and Sylv in one turn. I believe.
He said this part too. Its sticky vs druid and can accelerate your bigger drops
Why not run Emperor Thaurissan instead to guarantee the Brawl and Sylv?
If someone kills Burgly with a minion you wont get your Sylv combo off?
because thaurissan you need the syl or brawl on your hand
How to win against Jade Sham and Druid? I mean this deck cant outpace anything….
his list has more big threats than usual CW decks which druid especially struggles to deal with and the bully lets you get to them quicker.
He had favorable stats against both of those decks btw.
drop your big boys and pray for no mulch
No rat?
I know he is the best CW player BUT why he doesn’t play Elise?
ye i was also thinking about it , why he plays bully without elise -_- whats the point of getting potantial coins -_-
someone say that it’s for coin+sylv to beat jade decks