The Shudderwock tech is cool but I haven’t seen that deck at all since Boomsday. I can’t beat anything with this deck anymore. Most of what I’m seeing is Pogo Rogue, which is impossible to fatigue, and Deathrattle Hunter, which we can’t get enough armor to outlast Goblin Bombs.
I don’t understand what it does against Shudderwock? You can copy their Shudderwock but you wil lstill lose because you didnt play all the battlecrys like they did which makes him strong.
1) Play Drywhisker and Cornered Sentry during the game, preferably 2 of each.
2) Play Soulthief once they have a 1-mana Shudderwock in their hand
3) Play your 1-mana Shudderwock. It will summon 6 raptors and proc 2 Drywhiskers, gaining you up to 24 armor. It will also copy their hand again (Soulthief battlecry), giving you another Shudderwock. As long as they have shudderwocks, you have shudderwocks.
4) Outlive their burst because you are gaining 24 armor per shudderwock and they cannot do nearly that much damage.
5) Kill them eventually in fatigue
You copy their shudderwock with the battlecry they played. (New updated interactions) You have more armor than they have health. Thus, You win the long game
Any replacements for mosh??
The Shudderwock tech is cool but I haven’t seen that deck at all since Boomsday. I can’t beat anything with this deck anymore. Most of what I’m seeing is Pogo Rogue, which is impossible to fatigue, and Deathrattle Hunter, which we can’t get enough armor to outlast Goblin Bombs.
How do you use dead mans hand with azalina tho if you going late game and you dont need azalina
How do you win in this deck ?
You don’t have enough armor against aggro
And its really hard to use armor card against control
Why azalina with deadman’s hand? How do they interact?
Afaik Azalina is anti-Shudderwock tech
I don’t understand what it does against Shudderwock? You can copy their Shudderwock but you wil lstill lose because you didnt play all the battlecrys like they did which makes him strong.
You swap decks, meaning your opponent no longer has Shudderwock…. So they’re the one who cannot win.
Sorry, I meant you switch hands with your opponent not decks.
but you dont swap deck or hand, you copy their hand, they still have shudderwock you just get one as well which is useless to you.
azalina copies the hand, it doesn’t switch
1) Play Drywhisker and Cornered Sentry during the game, preferably 2 of each.
2) Play Soulthief once they have a 1-mana Shudderwock in their hand
3) Play your 1-mana Shudderwock. It will summon 6 raptors and proc 2 Drywhiskers, gaining you up to 24 armor. It will also copy their hand again (Soulthief battlecry), giving you another Shudderwock. As long as they have shudderwocks, you have shudderwocks.
4) Outlive their burst because you are gaining 24 armor per shudderwock and they cannot do nearly that much damage.
5) Kill them eventually in fatigue
Thank you for this explanation. I love this! I didnt think it would actually be possible to beat shudderwock Shaman as control warrior.
Cornered Sentry is not in the deck list.
Yep learned that the hard way when I was stuck in a 40 minute loss as Shudderwock to this….safe to say was not happy.
That is a lot of work and dust to counter one single deck which is not even meta or dominating like Odd-Pala…
You get a lot of armor from Drywhisker Armorer and 6/6 bodies of playing 1 cost shudders
Also the battlecry of the blood razor with king mosh :O testing this deck
got a little problem with hand size against non aggro decks
You copy their shudderwock with the battlecry they played. (New updated interactions) You have more armor than they have health. Thus, You win the long game
Love the weapon project – Harrison Jones combo!