Yup, I just got a 3 straight up wins just because of hydra + razor into a wind . Sometimes lucky
I really recommend this deck, it’s is super easy to win even vs priest with a good mulligan. I’m really happy that there is a deck that I think fits meta and it is for a hunter.
He is one of the best players i know but hydra is the main reason i lose until now if i dont draw it on curve.. Sorry feno ill keep Rexxar and Tracking
Also, why isn’t Jeweled Macaw in the deck?
Great deck, 5 wins in a row at rank 10 to complete my quest. Thanks!
Does this deck not need the DK?
From 20 to 10 in 2 hours
Pretty good against priests
This deck is too much subject to having good luck in the first three turns. Not good at all for ladder at high ranks.
any replacement for kindly grandmother?
Actually hydra on curve is preatty strong. Turn 5 hydra, turn 6 razormaw + houndmaster, gg.
Yup, I just got a 3 straight up wins just because of hydra + razor into a wind . Sometimes lucky
I really recommend this deck, it’s is super easy to win even vs priest with a good mulligan. I’m really happy that there is a deck that I think fits meta and it is for a hunter.
Swapped hydras on fire fly and dire wolf alpha… sems better
He is one of the best players i know but hydra is the main reason i lose until now if i dont draw it on curve.. Sorry feno ill keep Rexxar and Tracking
This deck has tracking dude..
You ok buddy?
That deck is for get killed. Just play Hydra for die.
Just put Bonemare instead man..