Hello. I’m mAtww.
I’m playing OTK Paladin since the release of Rastakhan’s Rumble Expansion. I find this archetype quite fun and solid against the hunter pride on ladder. I believe that almost everyone who tries it can get engaged to it, that’s why this deck begun so popular this days. The list i played in the first weeks was just very expansive, but you’ll probably already know it if you landed on this page.
After hours of tweaking and testing… I realized that everything you need is to draw and survive, till you pull out the combo, and win. The cards that makes this possible are not even Epics or Legendarys, but mostly commons and rare cards. So I got the idea to make a F2P version of the deck!
Before you try, here’s a quick guide summarized in three key points: Draw, Survive, Win
You need to draw very vast if you point to win. That’s because you need at least 4 separate cards to roll the 4 Horseman Combo. As your only win condition, you have to find them as fast as possible.
Crystology is a must keep card on Mulligan. Here’s the list of the cards you can draw with it :
- Righteous Protector is a cheap taunt that can prevent from early aggressions
- Stonehill Defender Try to Discover the best valuable minions for the scenario. Sunkeeper Tarim or Divine shield minions are always good choices.
- Tar Creeper is the best 1-Attack taunt on the market. We’ll miss him soon.
- Novice Engineer is just part of the chain draw. I have nothing wrong with her.
There are other cards that will help you drawing faster. But I reccomend to never keep them in the mulligan, because they wont do much in the early game.
Here’s the list:
- Potion of Heroism can be very frustrating for your opponent if you play it on a taunt minion. Even a
with divine shield can be a wall in the first 4/5 turns.
- Flash of Light you can choose to restore your HP or a minion health. It’s just a situational card.
- Hammer of Wrath came out as a great tool aginst 3-Health minions such as wolf .
Your tools are really dangerous for your opponent. That’s because you can reset board multiple times with your spells. They will be very crucial in almost every game, so use them wisely.
Here’s the list of the possible combination between them, sorted by their mana cost:
- (2) Equality + (2) Wild Pyromancer = (4) Full Clear
- (2) Equality + (4) Consecration = (6) Full Clear
- (5) Shrink Ray + (2) Wild Pyromancer = (7) Full Clear
- (5) Shrink Ray + (4) Consecration = (9) Full clear
Shrink Ray can work as a standalone card, debuff your opponents minion to take less damage.
Time Out! is your jolly card. Manage to use them in the best possible situation. Remember that you can trade minions with without taking any damage.
Uther of the Ebon Blade is your only win condition (unless opponent’s concede button and disconnection).
the four horsemen hero power will summon one the 4 Horsemen each time you tap: First, you need to bounce 3 different horsemen to your hand, one on each turn.. Then, you can play them all in one turn and tap hero power to win.
Youthful Brewmaster and Ancient Brewmaster must be used to return the horsemen to your hand. Remember to play the cheaper one if you need to protect yourself by playing removals.
When you have all the 3 pieces of the combo, play the Time Out! to get the garanted OTK in the following turn.
If your playing against secrets, remember to keep a (1) or (2) cost minion in your hand. Play it before playing the horsemen combo to avoid any kind of trap.
I hope You enjoy
P.s There are more cards that can be added to the core list. I would suggest to try this changes if you are facing many combo decks on rank 5+ :
+1x Acolyte of Pain ; +1x Blackwald Pixie
-1x Stonehill Defender ; -1x Tar Creeper