This deck is way easier to play than Quest Mage
1. Freeze to stall.
2. Draw entire deck out.
3. Use 2 Simulacrum on Sorcerer's Apprentice. Play Leyline Manipulator to reduce the cost of 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice to 0 mana. Then Stall until next turn.
4. Archmage Antonidas into 3 Sorcerer's Apprentice, then Molten Reflection on Sorcerer's Apprentice. You will get 0 mana fireballs. Repeat on face. SMORC
Sorry to say and no offense my friend, but that deck is just ridicolous for a competetive deck on ladder… You alwyas have to draw nearly your complete deck, just rarely possible to survive till then with just 4 x AoE-Freeze. Aggro? Loss, OTK? Loss…
Currently my favourite deck! Had lots of fun with it
I tried this with no luck
thats unfortunate, meeting lots of aggros?
what can I replace stargazer luna with?
Whizbang the wonderful
Im kidding, replace it with another molten reflection
If you don’t have stargazer I would add a second Leyline Manipulator because without it you can’t pull of the combo you need (with two in the deck you are more likely to get the right board before you die). You don’t need a second Molten Reflection.
If you don’t have stargazer I would add a second Leyline Manipulator because without it you can’t pull of the combo you need (with two in the deck you are more likely to get the right board before you die). You don’t need a second Molten Reflection.
For me I would replace it with a draw mechanic.