Explosive Reno Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: pegasus - Type: control - Season: season-124 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Search hard for Lighting Storm and the 3/8 Taunt against DH/Shaman/Pain Warlock. 

Otherwise I typically go for early game presence and draw.

Patches, an early value card and a draw card is always ideal.

I’ve been playing a home brew Reno Explosion Shaman in trash legend and climbed a couple thousand ranks with it. It seems pretty good tbh.

Don’t always use Incidius as your main win con, but it slots in nicely and is versatile.

The murloc excavate dude helps a ton with Warrior/Druid match ups.

I actually have a positive win rate against Druid with the deck. Warrior can be tricky depending on how their Boomboss plays out and what other bullshit they pull.

But Reno Shaman is back.

Generally speaking (not specifically for warrior/druid):

Don’t be afraid to use Shudderblock for different stuff. Ive used him on the cheese dragon, which generates a ton of value. Three separate cheeses can be huge. I’ve used on him the 4 cost vendor dude, not as great but very versatile depending on what you need.

I also make sure to slot in Thrall’s gift for another Lighting Storm, but also for all your tokens and Patches chargers…giving them/your board blood lust has won me a few games.

Carefree Cookie, when played at the right time is also poggers. If they don’t have removal at that moment, your board can trade into theirs and snowball fast. I’ve just straight up won a few games because they couldn’t clear. I like to hide him behind the 3/8 frozen dude or behind the new 5 mana spell that summons the taunt guys. Or obviously if you already have a board / chargers incoming.

Also, I originally tried playing around using Marin in the deck, but he is actually kinda clunky and counter productive if you have your deck full of chargers / explosions, because the draw 3 and set their cost to 0 card just doesn’t really work the way you think it should in that instance. He also messes with tutoring your Carefree Cookie by using Trusty Partner on your pirate chargers / patches.

This is the best version of Reno Shaman in the current meta I’ve found.

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