I’ve had really good luck with this deck, and the times I lost I could have played better and maybe come out ahead. Do not be above pinging your own face if your opponent is going to receive a minion next turn and you can prevent it. This doesn’t mean you should be sending a Fireball to your dome, but try to be the one that’s receiving minions. I played a lot of decks that were aggressive so because of my higher curve they were usually out in front, but because I was getting free minions and could deal with their board with spells I’d eventually pull ahead. Darkscale Healer seems counter-productive, but it can save you and your board when your health gets too low. I would even consider using Earthen Ring Farseer (in place of Shattered Sun Cleric) just to keep yourself at a manageable health.
I would also consider adding a second Frost Nova (you can cut Stormpike Commando) because you’re really looking to buy yourself a turn in the end to finish your opponent. I found that I was always the one at low health and my opponent would try to go for the kill. I could Frost Nova their board and set them up for a next turn lethal while still not giving them a minion.
I appreciate you making a guide to F2p players. I have f2p on EU servers and I gotta say they are super tryhards.
Worked first go after trying to play a heal your enemy priest deck

Also found out after i frostbolted myself in the face that it doesnt freeze your hero
Cheers for the guide and ideas for alterations
Glad it worked for you!
Frostbolting your self is really good. It gets you pretty close to being the underdog and gaining board control.
Thanks mate done it on the first try with this deck
No problem, glad it worked for you!