This deck is pretty brutal and will deal with your opponent rather quickly. Leper Gnome dealing four damage because of the extra Deathrattle is insane. Nerubian Egg and Power Overwhelming is a combination that is tough to beat. Void Terror also pairs nicely with this combo to truly make your opponent cry. Voidcaller can bring down a free Doomguard for you, or two if you happen to have another one in your hand. Save your silence for Taunt and just keep up the pressure. Many people will try to just silence your minions, but at the end of the day they aren’t removed so they can keep going face!
You can take out Mind Control Tech for a second Ironbeak Owl to have more access to silence. Lil' Exorcist is a cute card, but might not be that great if everyone is running silence.
this deck is really bad….
Explosive Sheep is a life saver — use with Mortal Coil, Void Terror, Shadowflame, or PowerOverwhelming to get an instant board clear.