I saw this idea on Reddit and had to try it for myself. Miracle Rogue was a really fun deck, and it’s a shame it couldn’t have been preserved in one way or another. The deck actually works fairly well with the amount of mana you receive in this Tavern Brawl. You should absolutely keep Gadgetzan Auctioneer in your mulligan if you get it. Once you have the Auctioneer you need to bide your time trying to waste as little of your resources as you can until you can play it with at least 9 mana. Use your low cost spells to draw half your deck and get to your Arcane Golem and your many buff spells. You’re looking to have a big turn of Weapon buffs while buffing your Golem and then finishing your opponent off with a Blade Flurry. Have fun with this one!
If you want a less all in version of Miracle Rogue check out an old version by Kolento.
WOw this is hella fun.
I don’t usually play rouge. But imo this is how rouges should have been. High risk high reward.
Thanks for this deck I’m currently 3 out of 4 games. Both fun an effective!
Miracle Rogue was a really fun deck, glad you enjoyed it!
-Edwin Vancleef +Faceless Manipulator