General Mulligans
Mulligan for 2 drops.
If you have a least 2 2drops, search for 4 drops such as Call to Arms and Corpsetaker.
I think Even Midrange Paladin would be a sleeper of the set.
Always has a 1/1 on T1 is insane, and you don’t even have to waste your card value.
Furthermore, pulling out only 2 cost minions by Call To Arms is also really good.
So I searched for good 2 drops in standard, then I found Vicious Scalehide .
This card has synergy with Dire Wolf Alpha when pulled out by Call To Arms or T2 Dire Wolf Alpha then T3 Vicious Scalehide+dude.
It also has synergy with Corpsetaker and The Glass Knight and other buff cards.
As I include Corpsetaker in my deck, I also include Windfury Harpy to get the windfury value.