I’m actually pretty happy that I managed to make a decently good Deck for Priest that’s both flairly interesting and really Unique.
You have a total of 8 Dragons so you do not need to worry too much for Scaleworm‘s or Duskbreaker‘s Activation; (Even though Faerie Dragon) is 2 Mana, making it a potential (6-7 Dragons left.)
You even gotten some nice Utility Cards too, such as; Acidic Swamp Ooze (for any Legendary Weapon Removal.). Kobold Monk (Makes your hero Elusive.), Mossy Horror (Even if in worst case sencario you don’t manage to kill anyone that has 2 attack or less, a 6 Mana 7/7 with Lady in White just to have a body is still good enough. It can even get rid of those pesky Aggro Paladin Decks too. If you really want too. Replace the Skulking Geist for another Mossy Horror.) and lastly Skulking Geist (the One Card that can Destroy an Aggro’s Hopes and Dreams if they have too much 1-Cost cards, or just there to be annoying. Hell it can even Remove an Opponent’s Chamelous, so you never know how truly useful this can be.)
The Rest are Standard. What’s Interesting however is Tortollan Shellraiser, if you have Lady in White’s Activation; becuase it can be a potential 4 Mana 6/6 Deathrattle give someone +1/+1, making it a 4 mana 7/7 Taunt in terms of Value. Which is Pretty Nice.
There are some Honorable Mention Meme Cards, Like Ultrasaur (10 mana 14/14 lul), Unpowered Steambot (4 mana 9/9 taunt lul) and Grim Necromancer (4 mana 5/5 with 2 1/1 skeletons making it a 4 mana 7/7 lul) but they never really came out in my deck. Oh well.
Sadly, with all the Underation that Spiteful Preist is so far getting, This deck can also fall into the same fate if you can’t survive on turn 6 and Summon Mossy if you’re against an aggressive Paladin Deck. But I Honestly think that because of Genn Greymane‘s Healing, that I think this is what Spiteful Dragon Priest needed to survive the Early Game and becoming a Threat.
WELP! Spiteful Summoner just turned from an Even Cost Card, to an Odd Cost Card.
Feelsbadman. I’ll try and make an Odd “Spiteful” Dragon priest if I can, but it’s going to be harder to do.
Aaaayy! 10+ Likes! 😀
Thanks guys! ^-^
I swapped Lady in white for Geist. works well.
Aganist Aggro Decks, or Specific Cards in General? Yeah it can work pretty well. Problem is just actually drawing the card itself and you have 6 chances of tuns to do so give or take. That’s why I wanted to play it safe and just get 2 Mossy Horrors instead.
Not much of a sample size but so far it’s 6-0 at Rank 6 to 5. Thanks for sharing.
Wait, your using the Deck? And so far it’s at a 100% Winrate?
Lady in white and Twilight drake – best synergy ever
Got some praise of people liking my deck.
Thanks guys. :3
looks too bad we dont need ability without 1st drop for draw, also this deck dont have card drawing, and we could pass 1st and 3rd round, …
For the first to forth turn I would say is that Priest doesn’t exactly need to worry all too much, especially against Aggro decks. Surprisingly enough, spamming heal has saved priest quite a bunch of times, even if it looking bad with only 18-15 health left. Big Priest has survived pretty well against some of the more aggro and tempo decks out there, and I think so can Even Priest too. since on turn 3, you can heal and play a 2 mana card.
I think lady in white doesnt belong in the deck…do you have a winrate?
Not really. I’m too unfamiliar with the Win Rates percentages. I need to find a website for that.