General Mulligans
Generally you don't want to keep any minions, since you're aiming to recruit them. Froge of souls is always a must, since you're gaining more tools and possibly Woecleaver. Warpath is just so flexible that it is almost always good.
Aggro Mulligans
Aggro matchups are a bit stressful. You just have to rely on getting your 6-drops in time. Until that, you can only try to stall the game, by clearing as much as possible. If you get to stabilize, you usually win.
Control Mulligans
Warpath is always nice to have just in case. If your opponent is really slow, you may actually get to play a 10-drop on turn 6 thanks to your hero power. Bring it on should not be used against control decks unless you really have to. Dead man's hand could be a good pick against control, in case you draw too many minions.
The only difference from the Boomsday Project into Rastakhan’s Rumble is Heavy Metal! instead of Mountain Giant.
As the title suggests, this is a recruit deck, thus big minions. This deck focuses on gaining armor and clearing your opponents board in the early game. When you get to turn 6 (or 5 with coin), you most likely have a 6 cost card to start the fun.
Bladed Gauntlet: Mainly an early game removal, as you in late game rather would use your armor to summon bigger minions. And you likely want to use the other weapons you have at this point.
Bring It On!: Great to combo out together with Heavy Metal! or Geosculptor Yip. Or this could simply work as a late game survival/emergency tool.
Dead Man's Hand: The last thing you want in a recruit deck is to end up with a bunch of minions in your hand, thus preventing the recruit mechanic. If that happens, it’s time to play this card.
Execute: Removal! Nough said!
Forge of Souls: Very nice to drop early, and get more tools to work with.
Slam: Removal or card draw… Very helpful against zoo-decks.
Warpath: Very flexible card and fits in almost every deck (unless you’re a meta-camper with odd warrior). You can either clear an annoying board, set up for execute, finish leftovers after trading or slamming or activating Grommash Hellscream and Rotface.
Blood Razor. Again a quite flexible card, that does quite alot. Can set up you own comboes aswell as dealing alot of damage to your opponents board.
Gather Your Party: A core card for the recruit deck. Sometimes you may low-roll into a 6-drop, but when you hit those 8-drops, it feels good.
Gemstudded Golem: Not the best card to recruit, but fits well with everything else this deck does. Chanses are that you have more than 5 armor to attack, and it also protects your face aswell as other more important minions like Geoscultor Yip and Rotface.
Genn Greymane: Are the upside of getting a reduced cost to your hero power enough to counter the loss of cards like The Boomship, Ysera and Dr. Boom, Mad Genius? I don’t know, but it’s fun to play a different deck.
Heavy Metal!: As you have quite a few ways to increase your armor in this deck, this cards has great syngergies. Also, 6 mana for a 10-drop is a good deal.
Unidentified Shield: 5 armor is a good base in this deck, and the bonus effects are all pretty good.
Charged Devilsaur: As this minion can go face if recruited, it’s quite flexible.
Geosculptor Yip: In this deck, she can offer some insane value. You can combo with Bring It On! from your hand, or even Unidentified Shield if you get her of the Woecleaver.
Grommash Hellscream: A big minion that can be activated with both Warpath and Blood Razor.
Rotface: There aren’t many things that is better than getting to launch a 10-mana warpath, and watch the value ascending to hights unknown.
Scourgelord Garrosh: Kind of a backup-plan. This does destroy your hero-power advantage. However the new hero power, may help you with some activations if that’s needed. The battlecry and armor are also pretty solid.
The Lich King: A big and good minion that you wouldn’t feel bad even playing for full mana-cost.
Woecleaver: Recruit deck… Right? Forge of Souls wil help you get this faster.
I just realised that this deck only runs 3 cards from the year of the raven… Not that it matters though. Have never played against an even warrior before ð
Too bad Rastakhan provides so little support for this deck. However, I think heavy metal is a perfect replacement for mountain giant, as it does seem abit weird…
Yeah! Really looking forward to test out Heavy Metal!
I don’t see how Heavy Metal is gonna be better than mountain giant. Mountain giant will in most cases cost less than 6 mana. Heavy Metal has armor requirement, and may end up giving you an 8/8 anyway. Mountain giant seems more consistent, and can also be recruited.
That ‘s a good point. As I said, it needs to be tested ð