A classic and powerful deck in wild, but with the addition of dragons thanks to the Descent of the Dragons expansion. For me one of the funniest deck to play, dropping 8/8 is always fun.
- Against combo decks like Mecha'thun , play smart with Mojomaster Zihi
- Never play all your dragons before playing Nether Breath , pay attention to that.
- Always calculate lethal, some turns you have so much damage on board with the giants and the big minions plus Nether Breath, Hellfire and Bloodreaver Gul'dan‘s hero power that easily you can miss lethal.
- Abyssal Summoner summons demons, so they will come back with Bloodreaver Gul'dan.
- Expired Merchant: If you want a more greedy deck.
- Amethyst Spellstone : put a second one.