Just a theorycraft for a control warrior, with only even cards.
Some cards of the next expansion will be revealed soon, but even costs cards or odd decks, could actually work.
Just a theorycraft for a control warrior, with only even cards.
Some cards of the next expansion will be revealed soon, but even costs cards or odd decks, could actually work.
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Maybe consider adding 2x Ebon Dragonsmith (4mana 3/4 with a battlecry: 2mana discount to a random weapon in your hand) + 1 WoeCleaver and a few 8 and 10 mana minions without battlecry.
Also i would put in 2x Gemstudded Golem (6 mana 5/9 Taunt can only attack if you have 5+ armor)
You would need to also get rid of some 2 mana cost minions to avoid wasting the woecleaver effect.
Skulking geist also loses its impact if its accidently sumoned by the weapon but it would not be terrible if summoned by weapon so i would keep it.
Yeah man!i also thinked about Woecleaver, that like you said can cost less with the dragonsmith.
I like also the x2 Golems, they can really fit in the deck.
For now it’s just a theory deck, i whis i could have lots of this cards to try it when the expansion will come out, and the plan for the gameplay, that also work with actual control warrior, is to survive in the early game, control the board and armor up, and then with dead’s man hand choose or via Rotface or Yip, the strategy for the late game.
Also like Anything4gnomes said, the deadly arsenal could be useless.
i like it but i dont really think deadly arsenal doesnt fit in to this deck with only 2 2 attack weapons
also gather your party wont really be useful with multiple 2 drops