Eruption Shaman PIP

Class: Shaman - Format: pegasus - Type: combo - Season: season-124 - Style: theorycraft

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Generally you're going after your drawing tools, this case being Gold Panner, Needlerock Totem and specially Fairy Tale Forest. Meltemental and Lightning Storm are good against aggro. Hagatha the Fabled is also viably since it gives you options for the following turns. Puppetmaster Dorian is huge if you have Fairy Tale Forest on curve.

The strategy of this deck is to control the board as best as you can while assembling the combo pieces to melt your opponents with lava!

First, the Combo:

You need to play Shudderblock and follow up with Incindius, shuffling 15 Eruptions in your deck that at the end of your turn are going to upgrade to “Deal 2 damage to all enemies” each. Naturally, you can’t play both cards in the same turn, but there are some tricks you can pull off to handle this – more on that latter.

Then, with your Shudderblock Mini, you’re going to cycle through your deck three times using Gaslight Gatekeeper, drawing the 15 Eruptions in the process and dealing 30 damage to your opponent!!

The Tools:

You have a couple ways to accelerate your drawing using Needlerock Totem and Gold Panner, but the best one to find your combo pieces is Fairy Tale Forest. The deck is build in such a way that you only have 5 Battlecry cards, with 3 of them being your win condition, but the others also helps the strategy.

1 | Hagatha the Fabled can draw your highest cost spells, not only giving you resources to survive but also thinning the deck. 
2 | Marin the Manager allows you to draw cards while changing their cost to 0 with the Wondrous Wand, which can be very powerful.

All of that for 1 less mana thanks to the location. And of course, if you ended up drawing the combo pieces through this means, you’re just happy!

As a combo deck, you want to survive the early/mid game to be able to win at a certain point, and that’s when the removal comes into play. 

3 | Lightning Storm and Baking Soda Volcano are old friends of Control Shaman at this point, but you also have new options in the arsenal do deal with Aggros with Meltemental and Frosty Décor – this last one can be drawn with Hagatha the Fabled on top of that. 
4 | Golganneth, the Thunderer is here to assist us not only with board clear but also getting us more removal, since some of the spells in the deck has Overload synergy! 
5 | Zilliax Deluxe 3000 is good as always, so we have to include him in the deck – though he doesn’t have the Twin Module to not mess with our Fairy Tale Forest.

Hidden Tricks:

1 | There are a couple Spell Damage minions in the deck that can be used in two ways: enhancing your removal spells; or to boost your Eruptions for opponents that goes above 30 Health – such as Warrior and Druid, for example. Novice Zapper can be found with Golganneth, the Thunderer and enables Altered Chord quite easily; while Bloodmage Thalnos cycle itself in the worst case scenario.
2 | Since we have such a specific Battlecry pool, you can go Fairy Tale Forest turn 3 setting up for a Puppetmaster Dorian turn 4. The idea is that if you can find your Shudderblock or your Incindius, you can play the first part of the combo in a single turn. Finding the other Battlecry cards is also great, since a 1 cost Marin the Manager can get you a lot of value and Hagatha the Fabled has 6 spells to pull out of the deck, so 2 copies of her couldn’t hurt.

Finally, is hard to say how consistent this will be or if the meta is going to be fast enough to not give us time to set up the plan, but I think is a cool idea to try out!

Zilliax Deluxe 3000 Build:

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