Here are the decks that Ersee used at Dreamhack Winter 2015:
Ersee’s Dreamhack Winter 2015 Midrange Paladin
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Here are the decks that Ersee used at Dreamhack Winter 2015:
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How can you replace the two keepers of uldaman ?
Second Shredder and Belcher.
If i dont have lay on hamds what can i replace with?
Second Shredder, or you could try Solemn Vigil for the card draw.
Can i replace Tirion and Keeper?
You could, but you shouldn’t. Second Piloted Shredder, Argus, and a Sylvanas could work.
This many one of’s and no Reno?
There are 8 cards with 2 copies and limited card draw, this makes Reno inconsistent.