Embrace Yogg

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-28 - Style: ladder

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Hi guys, Tazz here!

This time I felt like bringing a Priest Control deck, since the class is pretty much dead right now I felt like a good time to prove there’s worth in Priest πŸ˜€

This deck, unlike almost all of the other Control decks around, is pretty much impossible to make a read on, because most of the times you’ll be playing like a mind control freak πŸ™‚

The deck plays loot hoarder and azure drake to provide added cycle and board presence on key turns, allowing you to keep up the pace with some o the aggro decks out there if the mulligan doesn’t get you some type of early removal.

The key to making this deck competitive is, as the name of the deck suggests, Embrace the Shadow. Not only does it end with the DeadCircleOfHealingInHand syndrome, and allows you to be more pro-active with Auchenai Soulpriest.

You should mulligan for cards like loot hoarder, northshire cleric, and any shadow word card (sw: shield only if you already have a 1 or 2 drop in hand already)

If you have a combination of Auchenai+CoH or Embrace the Shadow+CoH also keep them.

Against Shaman PO:Death is a good option thanks to Dr.4

Against Hunter Shadow Madness is also a great option given the amount of 3 attack minions it plays in the early game.

Against N’Zoth Paladin, save your entombs for Cairne(preferebly) and Tirion. If possible, SO: Death on Sylvanna is a better option, of all the deathrattles, it’s the easiest to counter when it gets to the N’Zoth turn.

Against Dragon Warrior, u can also keep Shadow Madness if you get it in your Mulligan to deal with Alexstraza’s Champion, Twilight Dragon or Faerie Dragon. Try to save 1 Entomb/SW: Death for Deathwing

Hope you have some fun with it and let’s keep the Priest dream alive! πŸ˜€

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