Elise Starseeker Miracle Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Look for all the removal you can get. If you have substantial removal, try to get your card draw or Elise. Look out for that Preparation + Sprint combo to fill your hand on turn 4 (3 with the coin).

This deck is relatively similar to the classic Miracle Rogue, but replaces the common combos that are normally used in favor of Elise Starseeker. While it may not be the fastest or reliable deck on ladder, it is really great for getting to those awesome legendary hands early on in the game and having some of those awesome Golden Monkey moments.

Key Deck Aspects:

The main strategy of this deck is to remove minions while dropping some of your own in the mid-game, mainly Elise Starseeker, Azure Drake and Tomb Pillager. In the later stages of the game, wait until you can combo Gadgetzan Auctioneer with cards like shadowstep and preparation to start a “miracle turn” and draw mass amounts of cards while simultaneously clearing your opponent’s board. Once you draw the Golden Monkey, you can turn all those low-cost spells into high-cost threats and round out the game with huge legendaries!

Shadowstep is a card not always seen in Rogue, but in this deck is has several great strengths. It can act as a cheaper, temporary Brann in combination with cards like Elise and Farseer, while also serving a double purpose with Gadgetzan Auctioneer, both activating the effect and protecting him for later, cheaper use.

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