elemental tide

Class: Shaman - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

all the cards here are a must keep if you are going first with the exception of white eyes who should only be kept if going second i find that this mix of cards will give a nice curve on your mana and help greatly with the if you played an elemental the turn before effect. by the time you reach turn 6 or 7 you should be a pretty good spot 

fire fly and fire plume harbinger synergies really well and help curve out to the bigger elementals 

this is a proto type elemental deck that i am trying out right now as you can see it features a lot of elementals 

with a lot of synergies centering around the if u have played a elemental the turn before effect which i have had some success

with. When this deck hits all the right notes it is very hard to stop mulligans should centre round cards like fire fly,air elemental,fire plume harbinger and hex once you start dropping those one drops you should curve out nicely on your mana 

on a few occasions i would be on turn 6+ before using my coin 

ok thats all for now if anyone would like to add some feedback on this deck then please be my guest 

updated notes

so far have crusheed most decks paladin with legend quest no threat, warrior not too shabby, rouge and hunter about 50-50

mage board clear and strong spells too much too handle and still to play any priest,warlock or shamen decks so far might remove white eyes for something with battlecry not sure yet will update later 

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