Elemental Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: raven - Season: season-52 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Fire Fly is almost always a good 1 drop to play turn one. Glacial Shard can help slow down most decks. Stone Sentinel and Hagatha are good support cards late game can act as a swing turn with Murmuring Elemental combos.

Aggro Mulligans

Against fast decks, these might help you slow down the opponent allowing you to pick up some of the higher cost plays such as Stone Sentinel or Kalimos

Midrange Mulligans

Against Midrange being able to control the board and get some damage off can give you time to pull big cards to finish the game

Combo Mulligans

The same strategy as the Control decks as the hope is just to kill them before they can get their power on the board

Control Mulligans

Unstable evolution works well and is mostly intended for use with the high-cost minions with good battle-cries but against aggro decks being able to turn a Fire Fly into a random 4 or 5 cost minion can help push early damage

A fun off meta deck with potential for big combos

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