This deck is a midrange shaman deck focused on using elemental synergies to overwhelm the opponent. It’s currently taken me from rank 12 to rank 3, and I’m hoping to use it to get legend this season.
Fire Fly combined with Earthen Might give you a great early game presence, while Hot Spring Guardian and Tar Creeper are essential anti-aggro tools.
If you’re playing against aggro decks, Tol'vir Stoneshaper is a great staller, while Fire Plume Phoenix can remove threats hiding behind taunts, especially in a meta filled with lots of two-drops (such as Knife Juggler or Sorcerer's Apprentice).
Against slower decks, you’re looking to keep the pressure on them while using cards like Sandbinder and Servant of Kalimos to keep your hand full. Thrall, Deathseer is a good way to turn these cards into something more powerful, and it works well in the current meta to catch Cubelocks and Taunt Druid off-guard.
In terms of removal, the deck runs Lightning Storm and Volcano as its only board-clears. Both are very powerful, but they’re not always great to play on curve. Plan against your opponent’s threats accordingly, otherwise you’ll be left with no follow-up on the next turn. The deck also has Earth Shock and Hex as ways to shut-down your enemy minions. Hex is particularly important against Cubelock and Taunt Druid, in order to minimize the number of minions they re-summon later.
Eventually, you start dropping your big threats to finish off the game. Kalimos, Primal Lord is probably the most important card you have in the late game; you can use it to wipe your opponent’s board, drop their health, or heal yourself back up. Don’t underestimate the power of healing, especially when facing decks like Burn Mage and Mind Blast Priest.
An important thing to note is that Shudderwock cannot target itself with its battlecries. This means that you can drop it the turn after playing an elemental in order to clear other minions on the board. You’ll hit yourself in the face once in a while, but it’s nonetheless a really powerful finisher when you’re in a bind.
Hagatha hero looks prefer over the deathseer thrall…
You could definitely run that instead, especially if you find yourself needing the extra board clear. I kept matching against Cubelock, and evolving my low-cost minions with Thrall, Deathseer helped me keep up enough pressure to punch through their defenses.