General Mulligans
On the coin, with two cheap elementals to complete the sidequest, you coin out the witch on turn 4 and play Pocket Galaxy on turn 5. There are seven elemental minions in this deck with costs ranging from 2 to 4 mana; having at least one of them in your mulligan with Elemental Allies will better your odds.
Uses Elemental Allies to tutor Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Fireball, and Pyroblast, then sets their costs to 5 mana with Naga Sand Witch. This provides for a 1-turn 15 damage shot at 10 mana. Platebreaker and Alexstrasza can ensure this is enough to kill your opponent. Also, Stargazer Luna makes big swing turns possible after Luna's Pocket Galaxy. Archmage Antonidas is a secondary win condition, with fireball cards generated by 1-cost spells provided by Violet Spellwing and Cobalt Spellkin, and extra spell damage from one or more Malygos cards (with the help of Sathrovarr).