Hey guys! Brought you a deck that iv’e been having a lot of fun with lately. As one that has never hit legend before, i climbed from rank 10 to rank 4 with this deck in 1 single day! 😀 It counters pretty much everthing out there. The options are limitless, so i wouldnt say it’s an easy deck to pilot, but if u want som change and some extremely satisfyng wins, i suggest u give it a try!Cabal Shadow Priest
It basicly revolvs around grind your opponent down, and finally stealing of their minions. Theres plenty board clears, and the Void Ripper does great work! 🙂
Any wuations appretiated 🙂
Enjoy 🙂
Any replacements for Alex? Is it an essential card or just nice to have?
why u steal deck bro
Ill give it a try. Can I ask why no historian?
Oops just missed it my bad.