So the goal here is pretty much to go infinite with Thing from Below and Snowfury Giant‘s . this is not your typical “freeze” shaman but more of a way to keep your opponent busy dealing with big and FREE threats.
First use Ancestral Spirit on your free giants and TFB’s + Spirit Echo
Beware not to overdraw to much, just be careful.
Now your opponent has a full board of reincarnated threats, and your hand is full of them also.
If he should manage to deal with them: Put them out on the board again and let Hyldnir Frostrider and Moorabi fill your hand up again.
I also added a few freeze spells in case you wantet to stel you opponent’s Lich King or whatever :p
I have NO IDEA if this will work, just thought it would be fun to try.
Enjoy! (or not, haha)