General Mulligans
Highest priority in all matchups. Of decreasing importance:
Oaken Summons: The. Best. Card. In. The. Deck. Gives 5.5 mana value for 4, why not?
Wild Growth: Self-explanatory.
Ferocious Howl: Usually better than shield block, which is already a good card. Cycle and armour synergies can go a long way.
Aggro Mulligans
Wrath and Lesser Jasper Spellstone : Early- game removal can reduce the 9+damage from flame imp and stuff.
Power of the Wild : Provides a 1-for-1 3/2 minion that can eliminate enemy minions up to 3 mana!
Spreading Plague : Let your opponent rage quit in turn 6.
Control Mulligans
Since your opponent is passive ramp and the combo can lead to wins early.My budget decks feature at most 1 strong legendary or 4 epics. I was agonising over woods as it is only used in token, but without it you basically lose 50% of games due to lack of win conditions.
This deck has ferocious howl, wrath, and more consistent oaken summons (as it has 4 4-drops instead of 2) which makes it scale a little less in the late game, but can resist aggro even better. With combo decks slowly getting beaten by aggro, this is time for this deck to shine!