Core Cards: Coffin Crasher, Shadow Essence, Obsidian Statue, Khartut Defender , Sludge Belcher, Silver Vanguard, Deranged Doctor and N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
As you can see, the core of the deck is pretty cheap, if you add Mind Control, Violet Wurm and North Sea Kraken to it, you already have 21 cards. to fill the other slots you can add more defensive options to be Recruited from Silver Vanguard such as: Mosh'ogg Enforcer or Force-Tank MAX, Charged Devilsaur and Grand Archivist are pretty incredible options too. If you opt to add Grand Archivist, Free From Amber becomes an awesome card. And last but not least, Lesser Diamond Spellstone might also be a reasonable choice.
Mulligan: Look for Coffin Crasher, Shadow Essence, Countess Ashmore, Silver Vanguard, Obsidian Statue, Oondasta (only if you have another Beast in hand), N'Zoth, The Corruptor and Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound.
The deck works pretty well, I haven’t managed to lose with it yet.