General Mulligans
Note, you are hard mulliganing for Swashburglar, Deckhand or Leeroy in all matchups! Keep Shadowstep if you have Van Cleef in hand to combo with it. Don't mulligan for Razorpetal Lasher but keep it if you get it into your starting hand.
Aggro Mulligans
If you know you are facing aggro, aka paladin or warrior for example, hard mulligan for early game and survival cards like Prince Valanar and Shadowblade.
Midrange Mulligans
Stick to the general mulligan for midrange matchups.
Control Mulligans
If you know you are facing jade druid it is okay to keep Southsea Deckhand. For most other control matchups choose to be a little bit greedier with your gameplan in most cases.
Hey everyone! This deck is based off a similar deck I made back in ungoro on hearthpwn, where it ran a similar plan of out tempoing the opponent early game and out valueing late game with Netherspite Historian.( )
So far, this deck is performing much better than the original list from ungoro. The defensive tools that this deck now has with Shadowblade and Prince Valanar makes facing aggro decks much more manageable.
Here is a list of general tips outside of mulliganing to help you win your games with this deck.
Firstly, save Shadowstep to help proc combos! The card synergizes with
Vilespine Slayer, Book Wyrm and SI:7 Agent for board clear.
Netherspite Historian and Swashburglar for card draw.
Leeroy Jenkins for a 12 damage nuke on turn 8!
Most importantly, wait to use Shadowstep on Swashburglar and Netherspite Historian in most cases to combo with Van Cleef and Vilespine Slayer because it counts as playing two cards for 0 mana!
Next, make sure to always be saving a cheap card in your hand for combos unless you absolutely need to play it
Shadowstep, Razor Petals from Razorpetal Lasher, Backstab, and 1 drop minions are great cards to save to combo with Vilespine slayer and other combo cards.
Lastly, remember that even though this deck does not have Coldbloods for reach we have plenty of late game.
With the current meta, this deck does very well versus Jade Druid and holds up about a 45% winrate to aggro druid. The decks biggest weakness currently is pirate warrior with an almost unwinnable matchup, however, that will soon change ^.^