General Mulligans
Unless you don't have a choice but to keep high mana cost dragons such Alextrasza in hand because is the only dragon you got in hand, you probably shouldn't. The deck has enough dragons to bet your luck in, but I always try to keep a dragon in hand to be safe, even if it is Alextrasza.
When playing against aggro decks and get Psych-o-tron as opening hand, I usually end up keeping it. It is almost an immediate forfeit from the opponent as soon as I play him. I rather have him in hand, that not see him until its too late, I do the same with consecration if I see that I may go against a murloc deck, although it is highly unusual.
Hey everyone,
So I made this deck while looking for alternative options to the usual dragon decks we see without Tirion Fordring & Ragnaros, Lightlord cards one usually sees in Dragon(Paladin) builds. I personally don’t own these 2 cards, but I still wanted to make the dragon deck viable.
Personally, dragon decks seem to be very slow to me without have a very strong start. Most decks focus around cards such as doomsayer, which can help clear the board and buy the deck some time. Unfortunately, this is highly ineffective when going against Warrior Aggro decks. This deck specifically promises to have a better turnout against highly aggro decks and inconsistent freeze mage decks. Psych-o-Tron is great! when dealing against these.
1st turn : You want to always start out with a dragon in hand. The best hands involve Netherspite Historian & Nightbane Templar.
Nightbane Templar is a grreat card to give you more presence on board.
Wolfrider is very useful, whether you need it for removal, or finishing up an enemy after playing Alexstrasza and dealing some damage and you already have Truesilver Champion on with Hammer of Wrath in hand, you are almost guaranteed to within the next 2 turns.
I personally also use Alexstrasza against aggro decks or against cards like Reno Jackson that give the opponent a lead on health.
I was able to achieve rank 9 with this deck. I do wish to make this deck better, so I encourage & accept suggestions and any advice or questions you guys may have about/for this deck.
Let’s say if you have Tirion and Rag Ligthlord, what card will you replace for these two ?