Dragon Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You want the best choices you can, this isn't ideal, but it is what you strive for.

Aggro Mulligans

This will usually make them run out of steam by turn 5-6 then you can turn it around and either force a concede or just use your superior board control to win.

Midrange Mulligans

Against mid-range this is best since you can play Spirit Claws on turn 1, then they will most likely think you are using Aggro Shaman, turn 2, Tunnel Trogg, turn 3 Totem Golem.

If you're going second you can coin out the Tunnel Trogg, on Turn 1, and it should play out the same.

Control Mulligans

Against control you want to divert their attacks and swing into face since you cannot out control them, but you can divert their attention to your taunt minions.

Dragon Shaman


Value trading and board control are vital to win, tested 50 times so far and only lost to Dragon Priest and RenoLock.  


You want to keep Netherspite Historian, if you get it, and at least one dragon, other than that you’re main choices are going to be Tunnel Trogg/Totem Golem.

Main Strategy:

Control the board, make sure they do not have a minion out, and ultimately win out due to high attack creatures and pecking at face when they don’t have a minion on board.  Blackwing Corruptor is great for destroying Bloodsail Raider, and Azure Drake/Maelstrom Portal/Lightning Storm is a great board clear then the taunt minions help against the aggro heavy meta.

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