With the a addition of a new 4 mana neutral (tempo-play) dragon, as well as a lot of the new rogue cards this expansion, I feel like dragon rogue could actually finally be functional – and what do you know it holds up pretty decently, especially in the late game.
The idea of this deck is to get your Netherspite Historian and Shadowstep it to get a hand of good dragons. That with dragons from Bone Drake (and Bone Drake being well stated himself), Cobalt Scalebane, you have all you need to make a terrifying Deathwing, Dragonlord play.
Elven Minstrel Greatly helps with drawing your dragons and Netherspite Historian if you don’t have them.
Kobold Illusionist Has great potential in this deck – Bone Drake, Deathwing, Dragonlord, Cobalt Scalebane, and even himself for your own personal dreadsteed.
Cheat Death is very nice early and late game both, as it helps you recycle taunts from Stonehill Defender or the defender himself, Netherspite Historian and later on re-play big dragons for cheaper if necessary.
Potential addition:
Bonemare feels like a really really good addition to this deck – putting it on a Hoarding Dragon or a turn 6 Bone Drake gives you a huge taunt and a 5/5 a while earlier than your dragonlord play – if they can’t remove it you potentially win, if they do – they just possibly burned a lot of removal on not Dragonlord. I just don’t know where to put it.
This deck struggles against aggro, and the meta is aggro as always so this is more of a fun deck, but that’s why there’s shadowstep > stonehill and double saps.