Dragon Reno Raza combo deck. Ft Auctionmaster Beardo/ Confessor Paletress/ Nexus-Champion Saraad.

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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Greetings fellow Kabal friends. Here i will present you my Dragon Reno Raza combo deck.

Deck Presentation and synergies:

Based on Dragon priest deck, this deck has solid bases to face a lot of decks with a good board control. The main difference here is that Raza can be combine to other cards for more combo and snowball potential. You willl play this deck like a normal dragon with Faerie Dragon, Twilight Guardian, Azure Drake, Drakonid Operative, Book Wyrm, Chillmaw and Ysera that are in my opinion the most valuable dragon cards at the moment. As usual i added Netherspite Historian that helps you to get more dragons.

Like all dragons decks, this deck is a control deck with a lot of AOE (Shadow Word: Horror +Pint-Size Potion , Excavated Evil , Holy Nova , Dragonfire PotionChillmaw and of course spell from Kazakus ). Entomb can also help you to deal with a Ragnaros the Firelord  / Tirion Fordring / Sylvanas Windrunner or any anoying minion.

Furthermore, you have some stealing cards that are quite usefull like Mind Control Tech  or Cabal Shadow Priest +Pint-Size Potion that can be really helpfull.

You can see that there is not a lot of draw cards but wisely played you don’t need more than Northshire Cleric, Power Word: Shield and Azure Drake

Brann Bronzebeard is very cost effective in this deck with Netherspite Historian ,Mind Control Tech (against aggro decks), Twilight Guardian Azure Drake Drakonid OperativeKazakusKabal Talonpriest and Blackwing Corruptor if you pull it in the card list (cf. replacement section at the end of deck guide).

Combos :

Adding that, you have the Combo Card Raza the Chained that is really really strong in addition of the fatc that your hero power cost 0, it combine really well with inspire cards, Justicar Trueheart and Garrison Commander. Hell yeah you can use twice your hearo power ! that’s insane !

And there is the fun combos based on Raza power :

Gameplay :

About Gameplay , this deck is all about controlling the board and ofc
with the actual meta, you will have to deal with aggro deck more often than control decks.

  • Against
    aggro you know that you need to clear the opponent board as much as possible
    and keeping some minions on your board. This deck can allow you to do this
  • Against Control and midrange deck this deck has enough combo potential to go through late game and deal with big minions. Abuse of 10mana Kazakus Spells to transform Jade golem late game bord into 1/1 sheeps. In every Control vs Control/midrange match up you have to play wisely and be far-sighted. If you do so your match up should go fine. It’s very important not to fill your board to fast agains control decks otherwise you will lose everything (Felfire Potion, ShadowflameTwisting NetherDragonfire Potion, Kazakus, Flamestrike . Don’t play your combo cards unless it’s truly necessary !! Most of the control vs controle games will end with fatigue. Against priest don’t waste your dragons because only your dragons will be able to resist to Dragonfire Potion. Heal your dragons is the key

Ofc in both case you know that Reno Jackson will save your *** in many times. And if you are lucky enough you can even play it more than one time with Ysera spell (Dream).

Most of the time you can play in first rounds without any issues but some times if you fight aggro decks you will probably need to wait turn 4,5 or 6 to cast an AOE spell while playing few minions to minimise the damage that your (dumb) facetard opponent will deal to you. after that you can take control of the board.

Best&worst Match up / Statistics :

Coming soon !

Possible replacements :

I hope you will enjoy playing this deck as i do. this deck is very very strong in actual meta. You can also replace some cards like Kabal Talonpriest in this deck for Acidic Swamp Ooze/Harrison JonesMana Geode or Blackwing Corruptor. Those cards can combine fairly well with the other deck cards.

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  1. Moose
    April 15, 2017 at 9:58 AM

    Lyra is a natural add for this.