I’ve tested this list and Barista is very useful into Rager/Neferset/Siamat/Sunfury. The gameplan is different (and more consistent) than Malylock; you develop a high health board and keep up the pressure instead of heal/survive. Albatross is the nuts against rising Highlander decks.
Just cuz I’m poor, would you say Barista or Siamat are necessary? I’ve got everything but Godfrey, Siamat, and Barista, but I can only craft 1, and Godfrey is definitely not for me because it rotates so soon.
I’ve tested this list and Barista is very useful into Rager/Neferset/Siamat/Sunfury. The gameplan is different (and more consistent) than Malylock; you develop a high health board and keep up the pressure instead of heal/survive. Albatross is the nuts against rising Highlander decks.
Just cuz I’m poor, would you say Barista or Siamat are necessary? I’ve got everything but Godfrey, Siamat, and Barista, but I can only craft 1, and Godfrey is definitely not for me because it rotates so soon.
You can replace all of them; Godfrey for a Nether Twist as board clearer. Add a second copy of Rager/Coil/Ritualist for more consistency of the list.