General Mulligans
Bloodsail corsair is the highest priorty its the only way to activate patches
Smugglers run and grimestreet outfitter are your cheapest buff cards best way to start buffing your hand
Nether spite historian is good with a dragon
Twilight drake keep on coin
Nightbane templar keep with dragon f you alreaday have a 1 or 2 drop
Aggro Mulligans
Bloodsail corsair is still the best way to contest the board and pull patches out
Conscencraion to kill off all the board
Aldor is good if the opponent happens to set up a big minion early
Equality keep with consencration
Control Mulligans
Bloodsail corsair is still the only way to pull patches keep him
Smugglers run and grimestreet outfitter are really good vs control
Netherspite historian keep with dragon
Stone hill defender is a good keep because of value generation
Acolyte of pain is a good draw card
This deck is a dragon handbuff deck
This deck aims to buff the hand while activating your dragon synergy cards and eventually beat them down with your buffed up minions