Dragon Mage (literally the most expensive deck wtf)
I’ve noticed that you can slot the dragon package into every class, and one class that I believe has the ability to utilize the dragon package is the mage class. Basically, you play like your good ol’ control mage with some dragon additions. Burn, freeze, and explode your way to victory.
Jan’alai + Daring Fire-Eater

Daring Fire-Eater has really nice synergy with Frost Lich Jaina, allowing easier access to Water Elementals that your opponent can almost never avoid. It can also be useful in the early game to clear out a threat. Jan’alai, of course, is the reward. You can use Prince Taldaram on your Ragnaros to obliterate your opponent in style.
Dragons (A.K.A the best part)
Dragons cover a lot of weaknesses that control mage inherently has, most notably Firetree Witchdoctor. This card is spectacular. It allows you to grab mage’s good cheap spells without sacrificing the power of big spells and their synergies. Twilight Drake allows you to tempo out a sizable minion early on and is not completely embarrassing later in the game. Dragonmaw Scorcher allows you to get an additional one damage ping. With it, Daring Fire-Eater, and your normal hero power, you can remove almost all early game threats. Alexstrasza is pretty decent with Jan’alai or for emergency healing and Sindragosa was already in the original big spell mage. The great thing is that you don’t need too many dragons; you only need the good ones. The only card reliant on a dragon in hand is Firetree Witchdoctor, and there are other options on turn 2 if ends don’t meet.
Frost Lich Jaina
Broken card AND has synergy. Auto-include (and in every mage deck ever).
Prince Taldaram
Don’t you understand? No one wants to run Stonehill in a mage deck. That’s embarrassing. Might as well run the mighty Prince 3, which allows you to get 2 Zilliax or 2 Ragnaros the Firelords? Sign me up. Honestly, with all the corspetakers running around, Prince 3 is probably already better than Stonehill. The amount of Prince-able minions played by opponents are quite insane. Besides, at worst it’s a 3 mana 3/3. Gluttonous ooze? MC Tech? Anyone?
Anyways, enjoy your free wins with dragon mage. This deck is clearly Tier 1. It’ll probably be the easiest legend climb of your life.
Looks cool