Dr. Boom Rush Control Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-53 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In general, these are the cards you want to look for in the early game. Town Crier will draw you your rush minions, while Shield Block grants a lot of armor and also has a card draw mechanic on it.

Aggro Mulligans

As discussed earlier, eternium rover and your weapons are your best bet at keeping any aggro opponents from overpowering you in the early game

Control Mulligans

Acolyte of Pain will be the main card draw engine in this deck. It combo's nicely with Warpath and Blood Razor. Harrison Jones is a nice keep, especially against control classes who have weapons themselves as well (warrior, rogue, shaman). Because the main win condition of this deck depends on drawing Dr. Boom, it is a great keep in control matchups.

The general idea of this deck is to maintain board control throughout the game. Against aggro decks you will eventually outvalue your opponent to win, although you have some late game win conditions yourself as to gain the edge when your opponent is placing a control deck as well.

– Town Crier will usually draw you one of your Rabid Worgen. They work really nice for clearing early, small minions against aggro opponents. Also the 3/3 body isn’t bad on itself. The other possibilities are drawing Darius Crowley or Zilliax, who are both awesome minions. Crowley can be used to clear a lot of smaller minions and if your opponent does not have a counter play, he can quickly grow into a really large minion. Zilliax can be used to regain some health, due to its lifesteal effect, but also it can be magnetized onto any other mech. Magnetizing Zilliax on Eternium Rover gives you a threatening minion, your opponent will want to get rid of as soon as possible.

– As mentioned earlier Eternium Rover is a great early game minion. Against aggro it can usually take about two hits before it dies, gaining you 4 armor. But aside from that it comes with a 1/3 body as well. And all that for just 1 mana.

– Omega Assembly is a wonderful card in this set. Against aggro decks, it can be used to find that one mech you needed (for example to magnetize a taunt onto your eternium rover). Against control decks, it shines in being played onwards from turn 10. 1 mana to add 3 cards to your hand, possibly with rush due to the Dr. Boom, Mad Genius effect is insane value.

– Weapons Project might seem like a strange card to use at first, but when you get to know it, it is an awesome card. Giving you a 2/3 weapon and 6 armor is a really nice effect at just 2 mana. The best thing: for aggro decks, receiving a weapon and some armor has no use for their playstyle. You are only giving them an extra weapon. Weapons project also combo’s really nicely with Harrison Jones, which will give you the following benefits: 7 mana for a 5/4 body, removing your opponent’s weapon and drawing 3 cards. This is a huge tempo swing in your favor and should help you maintain board control easily.

– Mechanical Whelp might seem like a really slow card, and that is true. The only reason I put it in this deck, is because it combo’s really nicely after you have played Dr. Boom. Paying 6 mana for a 2/2 and then a 7/7 rush is amazing value.

– Now let’s talk about the star of the deck: Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. Playing this card is a really slow effect, as the card itself only grants you 7 armor and nothing else. But the constant rush effect on your mechs and your enhanced hero power, which switches every turn at random, will quickly outvalue and overpower your opponent.

– To not be completely dependent on drawing Dr. Boom to win, I decided to add some other win conditions to the deck in the form of Baron GeddonGrommash Hellscream and The Lich King. Baron Geddon is amazing against aggro decks. Grommash is a good big minion to trade against aggro decks, but can also be used as a powerful finisher against control decks, when combined with Warpath or Blood Razor. The Lich King is just one of the best late game cards, so that was an easy pick.

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  1. Darknessflamemedia
    August 9, 2018 at 5:08 AM

    I had the same idea i like rush as a board control mechanic. One card you dont have in the i like is the piñata mec legendary id ratjer have that than the welp gives you a cheaper card early while also being a value generator

  2. Oelieboelie - Author
    August 8, 2018 at 7:59 AM

    As the creator of this deck, I would really like to get some feedback from you guys. Whether you like the deck or not and if you would change any cards. Thanks in advance!