General Mulligans
Pick your cheap removals for your early threats, your Ice Block, and cards with combo-synergy for board-cleaning until you reach the late game (Thalnos + Arcane Blast, Doomsayer + Frost Nova)
Based on Pac’s Miracle Freeze Mage list:
I’ve replaced 1 Gadgetzan Auctioneer and 1 Freezing Potion for Malygos and Bloodmage Thalnos .
Bloodmage Thalnos has a lot of value with Arcane Blast and… all your deck.
Malygos works has an extra finisher, in an environment with a lot of big threats removal, out of the range of Priests Shadow Words. It’s an awesome target for Barnes too. And… 1 Gadgetzan Auctioneer in your deck is enough.