General Mulligans
Against control you should keep a cube or skull. Doomsayer is good versus cubelock if you g second so you can giant first. It also is really good against aggro. Kobold librarian is a keep versus everything. Gul'dan is also a reasonable keep versus slow control decks like priest.
The idea behind this deck is to otk your opponent when you gul’dan. Baleful banker gives you more doomguards or cubes in deck to be pulled out by possessed lackey. Sneaky devil has stealth, is a demon, and buffs your doomguards. You can otk if you gul’dan into at least 4 doomguards and 3 sneaky devil’s. The math works as follows.
3 doomguards, 4 sneaky devils (unlikely)=27 damage
4 doomguards, 3 sneaky devils=32 damage
5 doomguards, 2 sneaky devils=35 damage
6 doomguards, 1 sneaky devil=36 damage
7 doomguards= 35 damage
Against most other warlock decks, they’ll have to get lucky and stack voidlord, but if they go for the too you’re more favored. Having godfrey changes a lot of matchup, and shuffling more godfrey into the deck is also reasonable. Ratcatcher wants to be in the deck, as does zola, but in the preliminary build, taldaram is more consistent. More silences may have to be added.
Countless Ashmore is really good, and pulls out either a lackey or cube, and always a spellstone. If ratcatcher is he is also pulled. Doomsayer, mountain giants, and a spellbreaker are spellbreaker are cubelock techs and work here as well.
Sadly, there currently isn’t room for faceless manipulator, though I would like to add at least 1. I also want to try to fit a twisting nether.
I hope this theory at least proves decent. The deck can basically autowin control matchups, outside of lucky controllocks, she don’t draw silence/godfrey