Hey guys,
I decided to share a deck with you, that took me to the legend in just few hours. It basically has no auto-lose matchup in current meta and is able to pull out some incredible combacks thanks to Armorsmith and Alley Armorsmith.
As you can see, I had more versions of the deck. The last one is the one you can see here and it has done the best. I started using it at rank 3 with 89% winrate. What you can see here are stats from rank 5 to legend (about 83% winrate and score of 37-8)
You probably already get why it is Donald Trump Warrior. It builds a wall no mexic-… sorry, no aggro player can pierce.
I will not talk a lot about strategy since most of you have already played the taunt warrior and there is a basic principles of quest warrior guide already made on hearthstonetopdecks. Our goal is of course to get the quest done. With this deck you should be able to finish the quest between turns 8-10, maybe later depending on the opponent and your card draws. Against aggro matchups you will be looking for the 3-drops and Armorsmith. If you have a good hand and a coin, you can also go for Saronite Chain Gang which is actually one of the mvp´s against fast decks. In slower matchups you won´t care about Armorsmith or even Ravaging Ghoul. Just look for stonehill deffender , Tar Creeper and again – saronite chain gang .
If you are really sure you are facing super fast deck, you can mulligan away your quest. But you should do that only against really fast decks that are not going into the late game. (Pirate warrior, token druid, aggro rogue usually doesn´t go into late game too… with hunters it is not that simple since people started playing the death knight so the game might last a bit longer.
Battle Rage
It gives you a good card draw whenever needed. Since you have so many taunts, there usually is something damaged and you get at least two cards. Definitely not a mulligan keeper, but very usefull card later in the game.
Dirty Rat
Dirty rat is a very situational card and you have to think twice before using it in every game. TBH the main reason to have this card are not fast decks. It can help too, but Dirty Rat is always risky so be ready to remove whatever comes on board. It is actually your win condition against exodia mage – In this matchup, you have to wait with Dirty Rat as long as possible. Let your opponent get rid of murlocs, Arcanologists etc. and when these cards have been played, just go for it. You will have enough mana, the board and should be able to destroy Archmage Antonidas, in worse case you will get Sorcerers Apprentice which is not great, but still can win you the game. Against “razakus” priest, it is good to use it before turn 4 or 5 so you have a chance to remove Kazakus or even Raza the Chained. You need to be careful tho, because you can also pull Lyra the Sunshard. In other matchups you mostly use it to get better value of the brawl or as a “handbrake” to stop your opponent.
Might not seem like that, but it is one of the cards that make this deck so strong. Since it summons two taunt minions it makes it really hard to get around it for aggro. Silence effects are played now a lot in fast decks, so it is much better than for example Bloodhoof Brave. These slaves also gave amazing synergy with Armorsmith and cards like Sleep with the Fishes because they help to get the damage done.
If you want to know anything else, just let me know. I hope you will enjoy success with this deck as much as I have. Any comments and support welcome. Thanks for reading and have fun.
Hello thanks for the guide!
If i didnt have Lich King is that okay?
or any card can replace it ?
Lich king is not a core card, can be replaced with another value card. Chose something that will help you beat decks you meat a lot. It´s quite optional here.
Why no N’Zoth?
”It basically has no auto-lose matchup in current meta ”
Jade druid?
As you can see in the pic, I had 4-1 against druid and just one of them was token druid. Also if you meet a lot of jade druids, you substitute in the Skulking geist which make you favourite in the matchup since you have two brawls. But yeah, in this shape you have quite low chances of beating the jade druid (around 30% i guess). Jade druids are not played that much right now tho. I think much harder matchup is highlander priest. It was written a week ago when the priests were more oriented on beating aggro, so It was easier to beat them. Now when other value cards have been added it is much harder matchup and very favoured against you.
Think you should add the dk as well, sometimes you can play it before quest or when you mulligan quest i will give you the much needed board clears and some armor
How key are the legendaries? I don’t have any of them but currently have 1600 dust. I also need to craft 2 sleep with the fishes and am not sure what to do. Basically, which is more vital: quest or lich king and what are some substitutions for them?
Hello? You NEED THE QUEST. If u dont have it why play this deck? You dont need lich king. Make sure to get primoridials, quest, 2 sleeps. They are game winners against aggro. If u dont get quest just play nzoth control… Or reg control
I don’t have primordial or sleep with fishes…. I have nzoth and cairne tho. What can I sub for them till I get the dust?
Thanks for the guide.
Any tips for matchups against kalaseth prince decks like rogue and warlock? Their health always seems to be out of range of whirlwind effects and SWTF.
Unfortunately they are all over the place and giving me a hard time with this deck.
TBH I met just a single one warlock with kalaseth, so there I can´t help you a lot because I don´t know the matchup. But against Rogue look for armorsmith (and don´t be affraid to drop it even on T2), 3-drop taunts, ghoul and chain gang, it should keep you around 15-20 hp on turn 5-6 (sometimes even better), don´t be greedy about any board clear, you have many of them and be sure to drop ghoul even just to destroy two 1/1 minions it can be game decising. You can definitely mulligan away your quest against rogue. It doesn´t have much card draw so once you stabilize the board (ideal situation is brawling the in T7-T8 when they have like 2 or 3 rads left). They should not be able to get you down from that position once you drop another taunt. Also think much about using the dirty rat. It is great to use it in position when you drop another big taunt or when opponent drops Vilespine because when they do, they often have shadowcaster in hand. Getting the shadowcaster to the board makes a huge impact. Also don´t hesitate to use execute for anything bigger than 4 hp, there is not many minions in the deck that get out of ghoul and SWTF combo unless opponent plays the prince at least twice at the start of the game. I hope these tips help you out with the matchup.
Thanks for commenting I really like to know what people struggle with, Rogue is one of my good matchups but it still get “upgraded” by other players optimizing the deck so the winrate against them could go down, but I don´t think it will until a lot of people start playing this archetype of deck 🙂