General Mulligans
I usually go for these against any deck as it gives me good removal against early threats with bluegill on turn 2 hopefully with a buff from grimscale chum. or alternatively i go for light in the darkness so i can pick a good matchup, then devine favor so i can refill my hand.
Im new to deck building and have come up with this after opening my MSG packs, i have been having a lot of fun with this deck as it has a bit of everything from late game bust with Anyfin to control with Lightlord and the larger minions (especially when they are buffed). i would really appreciate any feed back as to how to make the deck better.
At the moment the deck is very good against mage (Around %80) but is not so good with really aggressive decks that draw well eg pirate warrior. remember im new to deck building so if ive made any obvious mistakes go easy on me and some constructive criticism would be very helpful!
thanks for looking at the deck (if anyone actually has i might be talking to myself)