Updated: Dog’s Witchwood Tess Greymane Tempo Rogue ft. Hench-Clan Thug
- 0Backstab2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Cold Blood2
- 1Spore Hallucination2
- 2Eviscerate2
- 2Sap2
- 3Blink Fox2
- 3Edwin VanCleef1
- 3Face Collector1
- 3SI:7 Agent1
- 4Elven Minstrel2
- 5Vilespine Slayer1
- 7Tess Greymane1
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This is the first deck I’ve come across that’s Running Tess that is actually viable for climbing ladder (currently rank 8).
I don’t have face collector, so I’ve subbed in Lich King as a form of crazy late game with Tess casting deathknight spells. I’ve had some success, but I’m trying to figure out the problem. It might just be too expensive, but I feel like lich king would work better with a late game Sonya, but I don’t have her. I’d also love to find a way to make Valeera work but she doesn’t have to seem much purpose in standard decks other than miracle since coldlight oracle was moved to the hall of fame. My deck is a little different than this in a couple other ways too. I am running keleseth, but I never thought of taking him out for the sake of having sap to deal with cubelock and possibly spiteful druid. I also run Cursed Castaway and I’d love to hear your feedback on if you think its viable for tempo rogue in this meta. I like it, and using it as a removal card means I don’t have to run spellbreaker for turn 6-8 removal. It gets a lot of comparison to starfire but I like it for whatever reason. What’s your outlook on all this?
I also feel like SI:7 Agent has lost SOME viability since it’s initial standard release
Is anything than can replace tess and edwin?
If you don’t run Edwin, Sonya doesn’t make as much sense to include but she’s still a great card. I highly recommend having Edwin as rogue though. Sonya is good value on her own to say the least but the combo of both can be really strong.
However, running the collector similarly doesn’t make as much sense if you don’t have Tess in the deck. Tess can be replaced by the Lich King but it’s questionable whether it then makes sense to include the collector at all. I would actually recommend checking out the deck I linked in this comment section earlier since there’s no reason for you to play a tess focused tempo deck if you don’t run Tess. Your best bet would be a 2nd vilespine.
Tip: in the deck I linked there, you can replace Edwin and with a fan of knives, since it also requires him.
Thanks a lot dude
give me your best start, i think i have 30% winrate with this decks who usually humilates me
Is this deck in it’s current state able to deal with Shudderwock, Cubelock and Odd Paladin? these are the only decks i have been struggling with while playing my Miracle rogue deck.. well not so much Odd anymore since i have fan of knives in the deck now So just Shudderwock and cubelock, don’t got the damage to burst down Shudderwock decks before the big turn. and as soon as Cubelock drops down a Voidlord im kinda screwed.
So im curious if this deck here is capable of taking down these decks, though i don’t see how it gets through the voidlord wall, is the facecollector really that good?
im only missing Lerroy and the facecollector to make this deck.
Leeroy is just a good craft and is utilized in toms of decks. If you can spare the dust I can’t see anything that would speak against spending it on him. As for the Voidlord: You can often inflict enough damage to the warlock before he gets him out to get him to 15 hp. Once that happened, you can use a combo of sap + leeroy + shadowstep + leeroy and finish off with the si:7 next turn if needed. However, vubelocks are and will remain a nuisance. They just have too many cards that heal them. If they do that it’s not gonna be easy. Facecollector I don’t really deem that necessary in tempo rogue, however in this deck, the synergy with Tess is kind of great. She actually also plays minions again that were taken from other classes if I am not mistaken. So getting 3 legs from another class will put down 4 legs for 8 mana late in the game. Assuming you got something like Grommash it could save the day. Keep in mind it’s subject to RNG though, so no guarantees. In the end it’s a question of whether you think you would enjoy the playstyle rather than win rate…
that is a good guide, i spend some dust in cards that work only in this deck and i think that’s time to craft leeroy… maybe i’m gonna to desenchant my legandaries of karazhan and others expansions that routed out.
i tried this deck the 1st opponent i faced was rouge too im done
I have already the full list execept by two legendaries
Leeroy Jenkins
I put sonya as a substuter for VanCleef and i thing it’s working, but i really don’t know what to put as a substituter for Leeroy… Can anyone help ??
Reckless Rocketeer. It’s worse but at least it gives you a 10 dmg burst combo with shadow step for 9 mana. Leeroy gives you 12 for 8. But still, it’s the one card that comes close.
thanks dude
I’m running another vilespine slayer and it’s working good with that list, now I’ll try reckeless rocketeer and see how good it could be. Thanks to you again bro
replacement for face collector?
2nd SI or Hench Clan Thug?
I got every card from this deck except for Face Collector – what sub would you suggest in this case? 🙂
Same here. Please someone …. Is pick pocket descent? or maybe a fan of knives for all that odd paladins?
Add 2nd Si:7
I crafted this deck and had fun with it except against the cancer warlocks, it seems impossible to win against them but oh well I guess that’s the case for all classes….
I loved my Tempo Rogue back in the day when Patches was still in rotation (ie in every deck). I am also a huge sucker for Keleseth. My problem with this deck was that literally all opponents I encountered played fast aggressive decks that made me regret I drew hallucination or the faceless collector. It feels like there are a few „Win more“ cards in there that are just not needed to get the job done and rarely save you if under pressure.
Having said that, I don’t think the deck is bad by any means. Dog is an animal at deck building, pun intended. So cheers to you, I know I just play it wrong. But that is mostly due to the fact I expect even more tempo and less rng, as I am terrible at improvising with all the weird minions and 8-drops I tend to get. Plus, an 8 mana card cluttering up the hand is not something I wanted in tempo rogue.
So I looked around a bit and I do not know the original person who came up with this, unfortunately. But to everyone having the same kind of bad luck and problems with this deck I can only recommend using this version of tempo rogue:
I even blasted a paladin with perfect draw out of this world with the huge van cleef and some deluxe combos.
I wish I knew who to credit! That guy saved it for me. Honestly, try it, it’s that good for me.
Another possible benefit is that no expensive new legendaries are needed for this deck. I have them but I think this deck is very sensitive to replacements on top of being slightly harder to play (because you need even better judgement when to play other classes‘ cards, eg).
Have fun!
Can’t copy deck code
Hm, sorry about that, it’s this one, page is a little awkward for copying on tablet:
Really nice deck!! You are funn to rogue tish deck ists very nice and strong.
Can’t we substitute a southsea deckhand for a swamp ooze (against cubelock) or a fan of knives (against odd pala) ?
hi if u have the time could u check out my version loved your deck but dont have all the cards or dust to make them so iv been running this with some success.
Went from rank 7 to rank 5 with this deck barely losing any games. Feels like a really strong deck and Tess is a lot of fun to play around with.
I’ve been trying this deck but it hasn’t been panning out.
I have the exact same cards except:
– I don’t have Edwin VanCleef or another copy of Hench-Clan Thug, so I subbed them for 2x Pick Pockets. I know that’s not an acceptable sub for VanCleef, but Pick Pocket’s a decent card and I don’t have the dust.
– I don’t have Leeroy Jenkins, so I subbed for Reckless Rocketeer. Again, I know it’s much worse, but I don’t have any other options.
Even still, I’ve gone 0-2 against a Cubelock and a Control Warrior, and I’m Rank 20. Any tips?
It depends on how you play it,if y have less knowledge about deck like this then its most likely your fault of being unskilled…but dont worry this deck might not be so good after the meta settles down
Well, I am relatively unskilled in the game in general. I started in like January and have been Rank 20 since.
I was asking for advice on how to play the deck, because I’m clearly doing it wrong.
In terms of how to play the deck, the plan is generally to control the board early on, putting on as much pressure as possible, and using cards like Face Collector, Blink Fox and Tess as value generators to prevent you from running out of steam: the name of the deck and the your game-plan is Tempo. You want to keep your opponent on the back foot as much as you can, using cards like Vilespine Slayer and Sap to slow them down, and then finish them with Cold Blood (this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consider using these for favourable trades) and Leeroy Jenkins (or Reckless Rocketeer, in your case).
The Pick Pocket substitution, as you said yourself, is not what I’d call optimal; you’re substituting two threatening minions with card generation cards that do nothing at all for your board presence: you should probably try replacing them with other 3 mana threats, possibly such as a second SI:7 Agent, or potentially Marsh Drake. One Pick Pocket could be added if you find that you do regularly run out of cards, but I’m not sure how much of a problem that should be for you.
Hopefully this helps 🙂
Thank you! This helped a lot.
Also, yeah, after some consideration I added another Thug and removed a copy of Pick Pocket. I’m holding on to the other because I have dead turns often, but the second Thug has helped a lot. Thanks!
The main thing isnt that you’re playing incorrectly, just pick pocket is not the right substitution for vancleef and the thug. you’re substituting 2 HUGELY important tempo minions for 2 durdle do nothing value spells, you’ve basically changed the entire game plan of the deck.
I got my second copy of thug today and removed one of the Pick Pockets. Keeping the other one because it’s good for dead do-nothing turns. Still haven’t gotten VanCleef.
+ prince keleseth
+ vilespine
+ SI Agent
+southsea deckhand (or good 1 drop) or shadowcaster
-2 x sap
-2 x eviscerate
Or you can use spellbreaker
and you can go -1 tar creeper
I used these substitutions and am on an 8 game win streak. I’ve beaten all shaman decks before they even had the chance fo play Sudderwok. Tempo rogue is back, imo!
Nice deck. Doing really good so far with most matchups, rank 4.
Could you please give me some insight on how you play it?
veeeeery nice deck
free match up all paladin
Really? I’ve been able to beat shudderwock and cubelocks but paladin has been my worst match up. How did you go about beating them?
Can someone give me some insight on how to mulligan / play this deck? I’ve been struggling with if so far and I would really like to play rogue.
Same here.. id say win rate somewhere around 10:8 so far.. nothing too fancy then again im a casual but i just dont feel quite as much “control” over whats happening as i did with vanish builds
It plays like a perfect tempo deck.
Dog has done it again, just keep the classic tempo cards in hand (Firefly, Blink, Tar, Backstab) the rest of the deck just plays out. I made one sub for Ironbreaker (-1 hench)
Hold on to your saps and hit face with a 14 Leeroy.
Im Rank 3 (9 – 1) lost to Level 9001 Spiteful
Agro match up (Mulligan):
-1 drops (except for hallucination)
-0 cost cards (except sap)
-ditch every other card
*if are going 2nd and have vancleef and some 1 drops keep him
-keep 1 drops (all)
-0 cost cards unless you have 2 saps (keep 1 sap)
-if you go 2nd and have a bunch of discover cards and Tess = keep all of it (depending how slow the game is)
if its agro match up = play control
if its control match up = play agro
dont over complicate the game
I feel this deck needs a silencer, like spellbreaker just for those taunts on the way
Actually nvm just realised I’ve played 3 games and haven’t seen 1 sap lol I’m 2-1 so far
No you don’t, it has sap..
Are there any good replacements for Leeroy and Face-Collector?
Instead of Face Collector i run Sonya Shadowdancer. But second SI7 Agent should work just fine. Unfortunately, I dont think u can substitute leeroy.You can try with argent protector or reckless rocketeer but i’d never the same.
Hi guys
Is the face collector really worth it (i mean 1600 dust)?
Because the lich king is a really good card imo and can be a good replacement.
If your short on dust just wait a bit, but to give you an example of what can happen, I pulled vorax and Liam, next turn I layed vorax down and used cold blood which gave me a 7/3 and a 5/1
What can you replace for tess greymane
Tess isn’t really replaceable imo. Although playing this deck I rarely used her, either I would win before playing her or I was already losing. But she is what part of this deck plays around.
I disagree, I mean, it’s true that the deck loses its Witchwood flavor without Tess (much more boring without the hallucination shenanigans), but at its core its still just the old rogue tempo deck. Without Tess, I would probably:
– 2x hallucinate
– Tess (obv.)
+ another southsea
+ another SI
+ a solid heavy hitter, probably Cobalt Scalebane. The deck doesn’t really need a high end.
Why not add a copy of pick pocket?
I’ve played a few games with this list and honestly hench clan thug is really strong. In this deck it’s virtually a 3 mana 4/4 that grows while answering you’re opponents threats. I’m impressed, definitely one of the best commons in the set. It will see a ton of play this year.
My opponents seem to have been underestimating this card as well. Agreed, Hench-Clan Thug is insanely strong, especially if you can protect it with a taunt minion.
This minion is insane if left alone on the board for few turns. And so far, guys I played against ignore it, until its too late.
hi man u replied the question about replacing lich king with azelina soulthief but i can’t see tlk in ur deck?
i got 3-0 now. last one was a quest warrior with starting upgraded hero power. with lucky feed with hallucination, i’d beat him but pure luck ofc. would u look for a solution against tanky dudes? or advice etc.
I am a little skeptical with faceless collector. I know he is supposed be there to generate a random legendary (hopefully not in your class) to combo with Tess. I feel like he is might not be consistent enough. It might be a little slow as well depending on whether or not you can or want to play that legendary. Maybe Sonya would be a better replacement?
So far its been a pointless hand filling addition woth 1600 dust…rarely anything useful i see absolutely no difference between games where i play him and games where he doesnt even get drawn
I opened a golden faceless in a pack (best thing ever), but I think he’s decent enough to run (maybe not craft), because a lot of bad legendaries just rotated out, so chances you get something good or something bad are about 50/50, so I think he’s consistent enough to be ran
Is this deck good?
This deck is being updated as I’m typing from what I see but I’ll try to give a general answer. On paper, and from a very limited pool of games, Tempo Rogue looks to be be back and in good shape. If you are asking for this specific list, time will show. I recommend waiting and testing out different substitutes for non essential cards. But in general, this currently seems better than miracle.
Is Azelina Soulthief a good replacement for Lich King?
Not even close. They accomplish completely different things. TLK is meant to be a threat that impacts the board (taunt) and provides some value in the form of extremely powerful DK cards. Soulthief is terrible late during a top deck war, and has very bad stats, so useless on board.