Dog’s Un’Goro Caverns Below Rogue – #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
Learn how to play this archetype with our Quest Rogue Deck List Guide.
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I took two-month break because of the stale meta. I come back to this infuriating deck everywhere on the ladder. I don’t think I can stomach 3 more expansions of ladder where I have to auto-concede as soon as I see “Rogue”.
I also took a 3-4 months break, mostly because of cancer pirate warrior and jade shaman.
Made a few tweaks that got me to an even higher rank, check it out.
the violet teacher is a dead weight to this deck, the elementals did make it better indeed!
Glad you enjoyed it!
tbh it still loses to pirate warrior
I replaced the violets with coldlight oracles works far better for me
I would say the best thing about the Rogue Quest is that Silences dont erase the 5/5 stat. Ive won matches because of priests ff-ing after their silence cards failed
replaced violet teachers and eviscierates with igneous & fire fly – works eons better
I’ve played it with onyxia instead of vancleef … no patches no vancleef
patches isn’t absolutely needed, it is nice to have 1 less card in the deck to draw. But you can add 1 vanish or (or both) 1 oracle to help with draws. (You always start out with a good hand nor always draw nicely)
What is a good Edwin replacement?
I was thinking biteweed, it’s sort of like a budget vancleef(even though it’s an epic)
Edwin is not very neccesary, its only really good against aggro or another quest rouge if you can play 4 cards and get a 10/10 on turn 3. Biteweed would only be a pathetic 5/5 which is no problem for aggro. So a good replacement could just be some card draw or sustain, bloodmage/coldlight oracle/vanish I’d say are the best choices.
Edwin’s +2/+2 combo (totally unfairly and irrationally for every other deck) isn’t effected by the ‘everything’s a 5/5’ mechanic.
If you play him after cystal core he starts @ 5/5 and then also gets his combo stacked on top.
This would be balanced if silence worked against rouges crystal buffed minions, but that’s not at all how it works.
I’ve personally come up against this.
So im certainly no pro player, but ive been having tons of fun with this deck, and i think i stumbled onto something. Fire fly is a slam dunk in this deck.
Yea I played a guy that used firefly and igneous elemental and he had the quest done and 5/5’s by turn 4
with this deck, getting patches in your hand actually doesn’t make you groan lol
What is good patches replacement?
Another thing, which is better in this deck, patches or edwin, since i can only craft one of these?
Patches > Edwin definitely.
Edwin is not really needed.
Anything cheap with draw card is a nice replacement for patches, loot hoarder, bloodmage etc… Edwin is a stronger card but patches can be played outside rouge… I’d suggest crafting Edwin.
Thx guys. I think ill get patches since Edwin will become a 5/5 because of the quest.
Edwin’s base stats become 5/5, he still gets the combo bonus on top of that (i.e. play 3 cards and then Edwin and you’ll have an 11/11 Edwin)
Just dont play Edwin first as you erase his added stats. I was against someone who did that, and it lost them the game cause they played edwin before the core. i lold
he becomes a 5/5 base stat. As long as you play him AFTER the quest is played, he will gain his stat boost as normal. if you play him before playing crystal core, youre gonna regret it by lsoing his buffs
This Deck is crappy as hell, crafted it today because it looked cool and hard to play, just like i want my decks (reno lock for rexample).
So, it is literally all about luck. If you manage to trigger your quest on turn 4, and your enemy has NOT one of the hard removal spells (Brawl, Dragonfire potion etc) it can maybe win (or not, because quest warriors have a board full of x/7). Otherwise, you just get stomped by everything (murloc shaman round 4, every aggro deck, every hard control deck).
Worst thing is, it is soooo damn luck depending. If you play your mimic pods and get 2 preparations, well you are done. If you mulli a bad hand, got a prep, a violet teacher and a bouncer, well you are done aswell. When you manage to live and could kill because you are lucky to have the quest triggered and 2 or 3 bounces, but no charges… guess what? Yeah, done.
Almost impossible to win with this against guys with a little bit brain and not classic card decks, can’t recommend.
I don’t want to come off as insulting here, but I think that is more down to you piloting the deck, and not it being “crappy as hell”
I say this because I watched Dog the deck’s creator play it yesterday, I watched him play about 15 games, he won every single won of them, pretty sure all of them by turn 8
he consistently activated the quest t4-5 and then killed the opp with 1 mana 5/5 chargers over 2 turns.
he dominated EVERY game, including a game where t4 the shaman had a strong board and dog had nothing, then he plays quest and ezclears with 5/5s, then lethal next turn.
This deck is very, very strong.
I agree. This decks seems as obnoxious and strong as Pirate Warrior to me. If you dont get some serious board control or damage to the enemy before turn 4 or 5 seems like you straight up lose (When playing against this deck). Super strong deck.
I agree with you both. This deck is really good if RNG praises you. if you don’t get what you need by turn 3-5 you’re going to lose The deck is really early game reliant. I had a large win streak last night maybe 7 games. Today i played with it and just lost 5, because terrible RNG. Drawing 1/1 charges with no shadow step, brew master, Ferry you’re just waiting to die.
All hearthstone decks perform better if you’re lucky enough to get the perfect curve. It might seem as a bad deck but trust me, it’s not. Remember otk warrior and how hard it was to acctually otk someone? But when you played against that deck you almost always lost right? This is the same. It takes a lot of games to get the deck down, it isn’t your average hearthstone deck. It takes a lot of practice and skill. Luck of course helps
LUL sure that’s why he got rank 1 legend with it
is it worth crafting patches got 5k dust left with no quest from packs but got mostly all cards [for this deck)or do you guys think patches wont be played anymore?
same and does this deck stand it ground against aggro/midrange?
I usually beat my opponents around turn 6-7 with this deck but this is at rank 15.
im playing legend on eu and i struggle againt zoo (not quest true zoo) and pirate warriro with good start otherwise i win pretty much everything
Replacement for vancleef and Patches? I shouldnt play this deck if i dont own Them, should i?
And I got sherazin. Does it work in this deck?
Sherazin works in no decks, Sherazin is 400 dust.
Great Deck, needs brain to play it
Remplacement for Moroe pls?
Imp master, kinda
Replacemet for patches?
Dog played this deck on top2 legend and killed everyone simply and easily)
Any replacement for Moroes?
i think Imp master
Fucking PowerFull Deck morethan miracle deck 10000%
bliz will prob do a week one patch on this, prob make the quest cost 5 instead of 4 so try and enjoy this as long as u can
It’s actually cost 5 though
Yeah, but it only requires 4 same named cards for the quest
None of the quests are really that difficult if we are being honest about it. I think the rogue one is about par for the course. The most time consuming to do seem to be the warrior and the warlock, and even those aren’t that bad. There are some definite winners and losers on the quest though, and the rogue one isn’t in the top 3 reward wise.
Mage quest is really hard to get (You got to setup all your deck to get at late game with like 5 cards of your deck left to put it off). Elemental mage sucks because stats are too weak.
Paladin is impossible to win with buffadin.
Easy to get: Rogue, Warrior, Shaman (But playing murlocs sucks).
Last night in my quest to get the 10 wins to win the reverse of Maeiv, play this deck enough, and under my experience obtained, the deck manages to do combo in turn 4 and achieve the quest. Already from turn 5 you begin to give him hard with all your creatures 5/5 with charge, your creatures 5/5 free thanks to Moroes and Violet Teacher.
This deck is pretty much bad against anything not control. The rogue quest is just utter crap. Every other quest is so much easier to play and way better. Murlocs get to go pure aggro and are reqarded with such easy quest plays, 4 from just a single spell it’s absurd. You’re too slow to beat anything proactive period.
lol sounds like you got dunked kiddo
Any replacement for Edwin?
Nvm found it, using Biteweed
You mean Edwin VanLeaf?
Gods I love the flavor texts sometimes.
This deck is so bad. And by bad I mean it’s so good it makes me feel bad when I play it. I subbed +1 sap -1 prep because of the occasional 4 mana 7/7 or pesky taunt minion. This deck is ridiculous
is mores necessary? I dusted him
anything else can replace him well?
he seems very good once you finish the quest, but i feel usually by the time youre already in such a good position to win
I use the murloc that summons a 1 /1 taunt he works gret especially when i pick him up then dump him on board again thats 2 5/5 taunt
And this is why you don’t dust 20$ expansion cards, regardless of how bad a card may seem the game could always twist in a way where it will become useful that’s how the game works. Always keep 2 copies of every card and 1 of each legendary – if you truly need dust that badly just throw some cash in, 20$ isn’t going to kill anyone heck change your region to for example Canada so you can pay less via mobile or tablet.
Imp master has the same cost and effect try that
I love it!!!! It is such a fun deck to play!
Wouldn’t a elven archer be betters since it can attack through taunts? i dont see any stat boost in this deck for for boar to matter until it becomes a 5/5
interesting observation, i know boar has the potential to just win with bounces and attacks, but the idea of using archer is exciting!
Absolutely wonderful deck, i joined the stream right as he was cruising from Rank 3 legend to Rank 1 legend with no losses. Would love to see how this deck gets refined, Dog had mentioned there were mixed feelings about Preparation (in his words, it gave explosive draw potential, but very quickly became useless and he was worried about getting value in the list)
I didn’t catch the stream, any explanation for Moroes?
5/5 that makes a free 5/5 every turn.