Dog had a 15-4 run with this Dead Man Fatigue Warrior! He also mentioned that it isn’t too bad against Jade Druid. Skulking Geist makes it so you can shut off their Jade Idols.
Dog has used this deck to hit #2 Legend in September, and the deck doesn’t even need Fiery War Axe that’s going to be nerfed!
Why Thalnos in this deck?? What for do i need him???
Wondering if I should craft this deck. Have quite a few of the cards, and I am bored of all the mindless aggro and midrange decks. I don’t care about viability really or learning curve, would enjoy to learn. Basically asking if this is fun and worth the dust. Thanks in advance, love the website btw!
This is soooooo hard deck dude. I don’t think you will chill yourself playing this deck. Also this is so demanding deck so when playing you have to pay attention extremely. I recommend this deck, but you have to watch some of guides how to play this.
Greetings traveler
i feel bad for all the low ranked and n00b players who try to craft this and just get rekt
This deck is not good for climbing, and requires Dogs level of skill to make work consistently
I doubt any mill/fatigue deck will ever really be good for climbing.
The wild rogue mill works great but games take forever lol still fun until someone plays benedictus
I wouldn’t call mill rouge in wild “great” since pirate warrior is very prevalent in the wild meta, the term i would use is less unplayable.
What’s the overall game plan? I’m kinda confused on how to play this deck.
The game plan is generally to: Survive, go infinite with dead man’s hand and run your opponent out of cards so they die to fatigue damage. Bring it on, Deathknight, and Coldlights are particually good to shuffle with Dead Man’s hand, along with ofcourse, Dead mans hand itself.
Shuffling deathknight back in is rather dubious, as it costs 8 mana, just shuffling back execute instead is usually more efficient.
You never (very rarely) want to shuffle your Deathknight back in and if you do you have to make sure you can play it again as it can quickly clog up your hand/deck.
Watch some guides on youtube
Good luck with playing this