Dog went on an incredible 50 and 0 run with this Wild Odd Rogue deck list starting at Rank 25. Watch Dog on his run via the VOD from his stream!
Dog’s 50 – 0 Wild Odd Rogue – June 2018
Learn how to play this archetype with our Odd Rogue Deck List Guide.
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Wow! I don’t play Wild at all. After looking at this setup I wanted to try.
Yesterday I went from Rank 25 to Rank 10.
With only 5 total losses due to my mistakes and one bad RNG draw.
Simply amazing deck.
My mulligan is always dump any non 1 pirate card at start. Only non 1 cost pirate card I always keep is Cold Blooded if I get coin to start. Getting that 5-6 DMG hit round 2 is crucial to putting opponent on tilt early.
Thanks for the fun deck! Going for legend today! Rank 25-legend in 2-3 days would be amazing!
I think you should always keep hench clan thug. other than that, agree.
what is the mulligan of this deck???
I just made it to Legend from rank 7 with this deck. I did remove one Swashburgalar and Dr Boom and replaced with two Ironbeak Owls to deal within Jade Druid taunts, and because I just didn’t have many games where Dr Boom made an impact.
For mulligans, Keep most 1 and 3 drops since you want to draw into 5 drops. Don’t ever keep Ironbeak Owl or Patches (obviously). Keep ColdBlood with Firefly or other 1 drops against slow decks and use that as a line to victory. Often get 10 damage in by turn 3.
Almost 3 years of playing and this deck brought me over the top
Poor guys Kolento is father of rogue, Miracle rogue best deck ever!
Thank you, I went 18-2 with this deck.
Replacement for patches?
1600 dust
I love your answer so much
More seriously, i’ve tried this deck in wild ladder, starting from rank 25, and it’s 24/5. Beware, there is a counter, flamewaker mage (0/3 against this deck, it’s fastest deck ever, especially with Witchwood cards…)
Man i saw the stream it is awsome !!!!
I watch dog streams from 2 years ago i can say he is best rogue player (maybe who put it replays) now
Well dog is definitly a good player, but he plays quite alot classes good, the godfather of rogue will propably be MrYagut for ever.
Came here to say this. Dog is great, but MrYagut is the rogue god.